

Miass / Lakeside charm in Siberia

MeowScore 😼79/100
What is MeowScore?
🐈 Cats in the city 😸
☀️ Sun-soaked days 😼
🚗 Traffic density 😻
🔈 Noisiness 😸
📸 Views and Sightseeing 😾
🌳 Parks and greenery 😸
👮‍♂️ Safety 😻

Best month


Summer music festival and beach activities. 🎶🌊🐱


Visit Miass for beautiful winter scenery and skiing opportunities. ❄️🎿🐱


Explore Miass's ice caves and participate in ice fishing. ❄️🐟🐱


Enjoy the warmth of early spring while skiing and snowboarding in the mountains. 🏂🌷🐱


Visit Miass in April to witness the stunning cherry blossoms and blooming forests. 🌸🌳🐱


Experience the traditional Russian culture during the Miass Folk Art Festival. 🎨🎵🐱


Explore Miass's scenic hiking trails and try the local cuisine. 🥘🥾🐱


Visit Miass for the annual summer music festival and beach activities. 🎶🌊🐱


Escape the heat and take a refreshing dip in one of Miass's many lakes. 🏊‍♀️💦🐱


Take a relaxing stroll through Miass's vibrant autumn foliage. 🍁🍂🐱


Enjoy a Halloween celebration in Miass's spooky, historic locations. 🎃🏰🐱


Experience Miass's winter sports season kickoff with exciting competitions and events. 🏆❄️🐱


Get into the holiday spirit with Miass's magical winter markets and festive events. 🎄🎅🐱


Reasonable prices

Bigmac $?


Miass is an affordable city for tourists, with a decent range of shopping options available. However, prices can be slightly higher than neighboring cities.

Try bargaining at markets and small shops. Look for discounts at larger stores.

Usual visit duration

1-3 days


Usual visit duration

1-3 days


Miass is a small city with limited attractions.



No tipping culture



No tipping culture

Cash is preferred over credit card. Splitting the bill evenly is common.

internet situation

meh Speed

Limited ISP options

good Availability

Most areas covered

great Cellular

Good coverage in urban areas

Electric socket type C

Common in Europe, South America, and Asia. Non-grounded, 2-pin plug, accepts Type C & Type E&F (non-grounded variant).


1 RUB =

Currency converter



Day length

biking hostile

Limited infrastructure

walkable -ish


LGBTQ hostile


A cat's view of Miass - known for its purrfectly balanced mix of urban and natural environments.

Cats will enjoy exploring the city's feline-friendly architecture and nearby hiking trails.

Things to do

The mainstream

Botanical Garden of Miass
Miass Cathedral
Korkino Ski Resort
Lake Turgoyak
Miass History Museum

The mainstream

Botanical Garden of Miass

A lush garden with a variety of plants and flowers. Cats can explore the paths and take in the fragrant scents.

Google Maps
Miass Cathedral

A beautiful cathedral in the heart of Miass. Cats can admire the architecture and enjoy the peaceful atmosphere.

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Korkino Ski Resort

Swoosh down the slopes of Korkino and enjoy the winter wonderland views. Purrfect for cats who love skiing and snow!

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Lake Turgoyak

A pristine lake surrounded by mountains and forests. Cats can sunbathe on the beach or go fishing in the clear waters.

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Miass History Museum

Learn about the history of Miass through exhibits on archeology, industry, art, and culture. Meowseum pawssibilities await!

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Off the beaten path

Miass Museum of Local Lore
Pryalka Museum
Shukhov Tower
Miass Aviation Museum
Miass Botanical Garden

Off the beaten path

Miass Museum of Local Lore

Learn about the history of the Miass region and its feline inhabitants, including a preserved Siberian tiger! 🐅🐾

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Pryalka Museum

Feline curious about the history of wool processing? Look no further than this unique museum, located in a historic wool factory. 🧶🐾

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Shukhov Tower

For cats who love heights, this tower offers stunning views of Miass and the surrounding mountains. Climb up and enjoy the purrfect panorama! 🌄🐾

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Miass Aviation Museum

A cat's dream come true! This museum has planes and helicopters to admire, and even a flight simulator to try. ✈️🚁🐾

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Miass Botanical Garden

A purrfect place for cat lovers, this garden is full of beautiful flowers and cats who roam free. 🌺🐾🌸

Google Maps

biking hostile

Limited infrastructure

walkable -ish


LGBTQ hostile


Mindful meoweler tips

Lakeside adventures in Miass

Meow around the scenic Lake Turgoyak and try your paw at water sports, cat fishing, and catnapping on the beach.

Feline good in Miass

Scratch the surface of local culture with visits to the Miass Art Museum, and the Barrow of the Grief fairy-tale park. Don't miss the local catnip market!

Miass Fortress of Solitude

Visit the historically significant Miass fortress, complete with cannons and a panoramic view. Make your meow-mories even more unforgettable by attending a cat-themed reenactment.

Useful external sites


Official website of the city of Miass with information on tourism, culture, and city news


Traveler reviews and recommendations on hotels, restaurants, and attractions in Miass

Accommodation options in Miass with reviews and ratings from previous guests

Beware, most of the content was generated by AI