

Kūstī / Wrestle with the best


Reasonable prices

Bigmac $?


As a visiting cat, the shopping situation in Kusti-Sudan can be quite affordable, but not necessarily the cheapest. Prices for goods and services vary depending on the area and bargaining skills. It's important to be aware of the currency exchange rate and the availability of ATMs.

Bargain when shopping and only use ATMs at reputable locations.

Usual visit duration

1-3 days

Short stay for business/travel

Usual visit duration

1-3 days

Short stay for business/travel

No further information available.



No tipping culture in Kusti



No tipping culture in Kusti

Cash is preferred in local restaurants. Splitting the bill is not common practice.

internet situation

undefined Speed


undefined Availability


undefined Cellular


Electric socket type D

Common in India. Old British standard BS 546, requires grounded receptacle, doesn't accept other plug types.


1 SDG =

Currency converter



Day length



walking hostile

High traffic

LGBTQ hostile

Not accepted

Cat tourists should visit Kusti - Sudan for endless sunbathing opportunities on sandy paws.

The friendly locals might be curious, but they won't mind sharing their fishy treats.

Things to do

The mainstream

Kusti Mosque
Blue Nile Park
White Nile Bridge
Fakir Museum
Kusti Market

The mainstream

Kusti Mosque

This beautiful mosque is a must-visit for any cat! The intricate designs and architecture are simply breathtaking. Just remember to take off your cat's shoes before entering! 🕌

Google Maps
Blue Nile Park

This park is perfect for cats who love the outdoors. With many different trails and lots of wildlife, it's sure to keep any cat entertained for hours! 🍃

Google Maps
White Nile Bridge

The bridge offers stunning views of the White Nile and its surrounding areas. Cats can take a leisurely stroll and enjoy the breeze! 🐾

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Fakir Museum

This amazing museum is dedicated to the rich history of Sudan. They have mummies and ancient artifacts that will leave cats in awe! 🐱

Google Maps
Kusti Market

The busiest place in Kusti! Cats can find anything they need here from food to toys. Be prepared to haggle with the vendors! 🐾

Google Maps

Off the beaten path

Kusti's Secret Garden
Nile River Island
Jebel Kujur Mountain
Kusti Flea Market
Al-Shifa Hospital

Off the beaten path

Kusti's Secret Garden

An enchanting garden full of hidden nooks and crannies, fountains and flower beds, a must-visit for every curious cat!

Google Maps
Nile River Island

A serene island oasis in the midst of the bustling Nile river, perfect for lazy cat-daydreaming!

Google Maps
Jebel Kujur Mountain

An ideal spot for adventurous cats, complete with stunning views, hiking trails and untamed wilderness.

Google Maps
Kusti Flea Market

A pawsome place to find unique and affordable cat-themed trinkets, accessories and souvenirs!

Google Maps
Al-Shifa Hospital

A renowned center for treating cat-health related issues, providing top-class facilities and specialized medical care.

Google Maps



walking hostile

High traffic

LGBTQ hostile

Not accepted

Mindful meoweler tips

Dress modestly

In Kusti, it's important to dress modestly, especially when visiting mosques or other religious sites.

Try the local delicacies

Kisra, a type of bread made from sorghum, and ful, a dish made from fava beans, are popular dishes in Kusti.

Learn some Arabic

Arabic is the official language of Sudan, so it's helpful to learn some common phrases, such as "Marhaban" (hello) and "Shukran" (thank you).

Useful external sites

Lonely Planet

Travel guide for Kusti, Sudan with tips and recommendations for attractions, hotels, and restaurants


Reviews and ratings of hotels, restaurants, and attractions in Kusti, Sudan

Online hotel reservations for Kusti, Sudan

Beware, most of the content was generated by AI