

Parma / Parmesan paradise

MeowScore 😻92/100
What is MeowScore?
🐈 Cats in the city 😸
☀️ Sun-soaked days 😼
🚗 Traffic density 😻
🔈 Noisiness 😸
📸 Views and Sightseeing 😸
🌳 Parks and greenery 😻
👮‍♂️ Safety 😻

Best month


Discover the centuries-old cheese tradition and enjoy colorful autumn foliage. A cat-tastic adventure!


Experience the winter magic of Parma's historic architecture and savory cuisine. Meowvelous!


Indulge in exquisite Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese and warm up with hearty brodo. Purrfect for foodie cats!


Witness the beautiful blossoming of Parma's orchards and vineyards. A feline feast for the eyes!


Join the Easter celebrations with traditional processions and egg hunting. Meowgnificent!


Savor the outdoor concerts and festivals while the weather is pawfect. A feline fiesta!


Cool off at the Adriatic coast and enjoy fresh seafood. A purrfect getaway for beach-loving cats!


Join the Verdi Festival for world-class opera and performances. The cat's whiskers for music lovers!


Experience the Palio di Parma, a thrilling horse race through the city. A meownificent spectacle!


Enjoy harvest time with delicious food and wine. A feline feast for the senses!


Join the Parmigiano-Reggiano Festival and taste thousands of cheese wheels. A cheesy paradise for curious cats!


Celebrate the traditional Fiera di San Martino with markets and performances. A meowsome event!


Experience the magical Christmas atmosphere with lights and decorations. A feline wonderland!


Reasonable prices

Bigmac $?


Parma is moderately expensive, with some affordable options for food and accommodation but also many higher-end options. Shopping for local products, such as Parmesan cheese and cured meats, can be pricey.

Look for small local restaurants and markets for more affordable food options. Consider bringing home local specialties as souvenirs instead of buying expensive luxury items.

Usual visit duration

1-3 days

food & architecture

Usual visit duration

1-3 days

food & architecture

Parma, being a small city, is best explored in a couple of days to experience its culinary delights and see its beautiful architecture



Tipping not expected



Tipping not expected

Cash and credit card widely accepted, splitting the bill is common practice.

internet situation

great Speed

Mostly good speeds but some areas can be slow

great Availability

Widespread availability across the city

excellent Cellular

Excellent coverage across all major carriers

Electric socket type L

Common in Italy, Chile. Non-interchangeable 3-pin and 2-pin design, only 2-pin variant accepts Type C.


1 EUR =

Currency converter



Day length

biking possible

Mixed infrastructure

walkable -ish


LGBTQ hostile

Mixed attitudes

The cat's meow of cheese and cured meats. Parma's pawsitively irresistible to feline foodies.

Cat-nap in the charming city center with its pawsome architecture and purr-fectly preserved landmarks.

Things to do

The mainstream

Parco Ducale
Piazza Garibaldi
Palazzo della Pilotta
Teatro Regio
Duomo di Parma

The mainstream

Parco Ducale

A vast park with lush gardens, elegant fountains, and scenic paths perfect for a cat nap or a leisurely stroll.

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Piazza Garibaldi

A lively square in the heart of Parma, surrounded by charming cafes, shops, and historic buildings.

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Palazzo della Pilotta

A majestic palace complex housing the National Gallery, the Farnese Theater, and the Archeological Museum.

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Teatro Regio

The historic opera house of Parma, famous for its outstanding acoustics and lavish decorations.

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Duomo di Parma

The main cathedral of Parma, boasting an impressive Romanesque architecture and stunning frescoes by Correggio.

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Off the beaten path

Museo Glauco Lombardi
Eremo di San Colombano
Teatro Farnese
Battistero di Parma
Cattedrale di Santa Maria Assunta

Off the beaten path

Museo Glauco Lombardi

Small museum located in the former Abbey of Valserena. Displays antique musical instruments and allows cats to join their owners in the visit. 🎶👩‍🎤🐾

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Eremo di San Colombano

A tiny church built by monks into a rocky cliff. Hiking is required to reach it, but the view is totally worth it. 🚶‍♀️🏔️🙏

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Teatro Farnese

A beautiful theatre built entirely out of wood in the 17th century. Although not suitable for cats, their owners can appreciate its baroque beauty.🎭🎻🌟

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Battistero di Parma

A hidden gem located right across from the cathedral. This octagonal baptistery is a masterpiece of Romanesque art. 🕊️👼💦

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Cattedrale di Santa Maria Assunta

A stunning cathedral dating back to the 12th century. Cats are allowed inside but must be respectful and silent. 🐈👀🙏

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biking possible

Mixed infrastructure

walkable -ish


LGBTQ hostile

Mixed attitudes

Mindful meoweler tips

Visit the Duomo di Parma

This beautiful cathedral showcases intricate architecture and sculptures. Check out the stunning frescoes by Antonio da Correggio featuring The Assumption of the Virgin and The Vision of St. John the Evangelist.

Indulge in Parma ham and cheese

Parma is famous for its delicious cured ham and cheese. Taste the authentic products from the local producers and learn about the traditional techniques.

Explore the Teatro Regio

The historic opera house is a must-visit for music lovers. Admire the grandeur of the interior and learn about the fascinating history of the theater.

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