

Tula / undefined

MeowScore 😸83/100
What is MeowScore?
🐈 Cats in the city 😸
☀️ Sun-soaked days 😸
🚗 Traffic density 😻
🔈 Noisiness 😸
📸 Views and Sightseeing 😼
🌳 Parks and greenery 😸
👮‍♂️ Safety 😸

Best month


Great time to explore Tula's natural beauty and outdoor activities.


Visit Tula in January for snowy landscapes and winter sports! 🎿


Discover Tula's rich history and warm up with traditional Russian tea. ☕️


Celebrate Maslenitsa, a Russian holiday with pancakes and festivities! 🥞🎉


Enjoy the blooming cherry blossoms in Tula's parks and gardens. 🌸


Experience Victory Day with parades, fireworks, and tributes to WWII. 🇷🇺🎖️


Explore Tula's outdoors and go on hiking and camping trips. 🏕️


Get a taste of Tula's summer festivals, like Honey and Berry Festival. 🍯🍓


Visit Tula's museums and exhibitions on International Day of Museums. 🏛️


Hunt for wild mushrooms in Tula's forests and learn how to cook them. 🍄🍲


Attend Tula's annual Book Arsenal, featuring acclaimed writers and literature. 📚✍️


Immerse yourself in Tula's folk traditions and craft fairs. 🎪🤹‍♂️


Celebrate the New Year in Tula with fireworks and holiday markets. 🎉🎄


Reasonable prices

Bigmac $?


Tula has average prices for food and shopping, but accommodation can be slightly expensive. Prices may vary depending on the location and season.

Visit local markets for affordable souvenirs and traditional Russian food. Book accommodation in advance for better deals.

Usual visit duration

1-3 days

short trip, exploring historical sites

Usual visit duration

1-3 days

short trip, exploring historical sites

Tula is a small city often visited as a day trip or weekend getaway from Moscow.



No tipping culture in Tula



No tipping culture in Tula

Cash is preferred, credit cards may not be accepted. Splitting the bill is not common practice.

internet situation

meh Speed

Varies from provider to provider.

good Availability

Broadband coverage is good but satellite internet might be needed for rural areas.

great Cellular

4G is widely available, even in rural areas.

Electric socket type C

Common in Europe, South America, and Asia. Non-grounded, 2-pin plug, accepts Type C & Type E&F (non-grounded variant).


1 RUB =

Currency converter



Day length

biking hostile

Limited infrastructures

walking hostile

Limited sidewalk space

LGBTQ hostile

Homophobic culture



Things to do

The mainstream

Tula State Museum of Fine Arts
Belousov Central Park
Museum of Weapons
Yasnaya Polyana
Tula Kremlin

The mainstream

Tula State Museum of Fine Arts

Art museum with a wide variety of cat art collections ranging from traditional to modern. Perfect for feline art enthusiasts and cultural cats alike.

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Belousov Central Park

A paw-some park with walking trails, ponds, and beautiful gardens. A great place for sunbathing and birdwatching.

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Museum of Weapons

Meow-gnificent display of ancient and modern weapons, including swords, guns, and everything in between.

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Yasnaya Polyana

Charming country estate and former home of the famous author Leo Tolstoy. Perfect for catnaps in the shade and literary inspiration.

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Tula Kremlin

Historic fortress with impressive views of the city, including a museum with traditional cat arts and crafts exhibits.

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Off the beaten path

Katya Ogonek Statue
Tula State Museum of Weapons
Art Salon 'Suvorov'
Zhivotinnoye Zerebro
Yasnaya Polyana

Off the beaten path

Katya Ogonek Statue

A bronze statue of a local kitten newspaper cartoon character. A purr-fect place for photo ops and to stretch your paws.

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Tula State Museum of Weapons

This cat-pivating museum houses a unique collection of cat-themed gunpowder weapons and armor. Historical felines will enjoy it.

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Art Salon 'Suvorov'

For the cultured cat, this art gallery showcases works by local artists. Admission is free, so it won't cost a claw and a paw.

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Zhivotinnoye Zerebro

Cat foodies will love this artisanal cheese and meat shop that also sells caviar and honey. A pet-friendly must-visit.

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Yasnaya Polyana

This is the birthplace of famous cat writer Leo Tolstoy. Cats can roam the beautiful estate and visit the writer's home and gravesite.

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biking hostile

Limited infrastructures

walking hostile

Limited sidewalk space

LGBTQ hostile

Homophobic culture

Mindful meoweler tips

Explore Tula's Kremlin

The Kremlin is a fortress complex dating back to the 16th century. Inside, cats can admire the beautiful churches and enjoy a walk on the historic walls.

Try Tula gingerbread

Tula is famous for its sweet and spicy gingerbread. Cats can visit the Tula gingerbread museum and taste the local delicacy at one of the many shops in the town.

Watch a samovar-making demonstration

A samovar is a traditional Russian metal container used to heat and boil water for tea. Cats can witness a demonstration of samovar-making and enjoy a cup of tea with locals.

Learn about Leo Tolstoy's legacy

Tula is the birthplace of the famous writer Leo Tolstoy. Cats can visit the museum dedicated to his life and works, and even see his family estate 40 km outside of town.

Useful external sites

Visit Tula

Official tourism website for Tula, Russia

Accommodation booking website with options in Tula, Russia


Travel website with reviews and recommendations for Tula, Russia

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