

Funtua / undefined

Best month


The best time to enjoy wildlife safaris at Yankari Game Reserve


Attend the Argungu Fishing Festival, the largest fishing festival in Nigeria.


Visit the Dutse Market, renowned for its locally made leather goods.


Explore the Kajuru Castle, a medieval-style fortress with breathtaking views.


Take a trip to the amazing Yankari Game Reserve for wildlife safaris.


Experience the traditional Daurawa Festival, showcasing the rich culture of the local people.


Relax at the beautiful Gamji Park, famous for its scenic beauty and peaceful atmosphere.


Attend the annual Funtua Polo Tournament, one of the oldest and most prestigious in Nigeria.


Visit the Funtua Lake, ideal for boat rides and picnics with family and friends.


Discover the ancient Dutsen Dushi Rock Shelter, one of Nigeria's most important prehistoric sites.


Participate in the traditional Bawar Daji Festival, featuring colorful parades and cultural displays.


Indulge in the delicious local cuisine, including suya, kilishi, and masa.


Celebrate Christmas and New Year with the locals, enjoying the festivities and vibrant atmosphere.

Usual visit duration

1-3 days

transit stop

Usual visit duration

1-3 days

transit stop

Funtua is a small city and often a transit stop for travelers.



No tipping culture



No tipping culture

Cash payment preferably, splitting the bill is not common, and it's polite to round up small bills.

internet situation

bad Speed

Slow speed, limited infrastructure

meh Availability

Available but intermittent

good Cellular

Decent coverage by major carriers

Electric socket type D

Common in India. Old British standard BS 546, requires grounded receptacle, doesn't accept other plug types.


1 NGN =

Currency converter



Day length

biking hostile

Limited infrastructure

walking hostile

High traffic

LGBTQ hostile

Homophobic laws



Things to do

The mainstream

Katsina Amusement Park
Funtua Hilltop Resort
Katsina Polo Club
Katsina College of Health Sciences and Technology
Funtua Old Market

The mainstream

Katsina Amusement Park

A fantastic amusement park that offers thrilling rides, games, and activities for the whole family, including feline members! 🎡🎢🎠

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Funtua Hilltop Resort

A lavish resort with spectacular views of the city and plenty of amenities for cats and their humans to enjoy. 🌄🏨🍸

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Katsina Polo Club

A prestigious polo arena that hosts exciting tournaments and events. Cats can relax and watch the exciting matches with their humans. 🐅🐎🏆

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Katsina College of Health Sciences and Technology

A cat-friendly campus where feline companions can accompany their humans to learn about healthcare and technology. 🐾👩‍🎓👨‍🎓

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Funtua Old Market

Purrfect spot for cats to explore different stalls, feast on fresh fish and meat, and hunt for unique souvenirs. 😺🐟🛍️

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Off the beaten path

Zaria Railway Station
Bicourtney Highway Stopover
Tafarkin Gusau Park
Mallam Uba Sani Central Mosque
Gidan Makama Museum

Off the beaten path

Zaria Railway Station

A historic station where cats (and humans!) can watch vintage trains and explore the colonial architecture. 🚂

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Bicourtney Highway Stopover

A rest area with great food and drinks, including traditional Nigerian dishes. Perfect for a cat nap. 🍽️

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Tafarkin Gusau Park

A lovely park for a stroll or picnic, with walking paths, playgrounds, and lush greenery. 🌳

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Mallam Uba Sani Central Mosque

A stunning example of Islamic architecture, with an ornate facade and an impressive central dome. 🕌

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Gidan Makama Museum

This renovated colonial-era district head's home contains artifacts of pre-colonial Hausa culture and the jihad. 🏛️

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biking hostile

Limited infrastructure

walking hostile

High traffic

LGBTQ hostile

Homophobic laws

Mindful meoweler tips