

Pokhara / undefined

MeowScore 😸85/100
What is MeowScore?
🐈 Cats in the city 😸
☀️ Sun-soaked days 😸
🚗 Traffic density 😼
🔈 Noisiness 😸
📸 Views and Sightseeing 😻
🌳 Parks and greenery 😸
👮‍♂️ Safety 😸

Best month


Experience the lively Dashain festival with vibrant colors and culture.


Experience the surreal view of the Himalayan range (max. 20 words)


Witness the vibrant colors of the Basantapur Durbar Square Festival


Enjoy the clear views of the mountains and go paragliding


Spend time boating on the tranquil Fewa Lake with clear skies


Explore the lush rhododendron forests with trekking


Experience the onset of monsoon with peaceful rains


Witness the lively Teej Festival with traditional music and dance


Experience the breathtaking waterfalls and their impressive force


Enjoy the fresh greenery and pleasant climate after monsoon


Experience the lively Dashain Festival with vibrant colors and culture


Celebrate the Tihar Festival with candlelit streets and Rangoli decorations


Experience the snowfall and winter wonderland in the mountains


Reasonable prices

Bigmac $?


The shopping situation in Pokhara is average, with plenty of options but prices that are not necessarily cheap. However, food and other essentials can be found for a reasonable price.

Haggle in the markets and try street food for cheaper options.

Usual visit duration

3-5 days

Trekking, lake activities

Usual visit duration

3-5 days

Trekking, lake activities

Pokhara is a base for trekking and water sports enthusiasts.



No tipping culture in Pokhara



No tipping culture in Pokhara

Cash is preferred, credit cards not widely accepted.

internet situation

bad Speed

Slow speeds, especially during peak hours

meh Availability

Internet is available in most areas

great Cellular

Extensive coverage and good signal strength

Electric socket type D

Common in India. Old British standard BS 546, requires grounded receptacle, doesn't accept other plug types.


1 NPR =

Currency converter



Day length

biking hostile

Hilly terrain

walkable -ish

Moderate traffic, parks

LGBTQ hostile

Conservative society

The city's lakeside is a cat's paradise - paws ready to dip into the serene water.

Curious cats can explore the lively markets and indulge in the meowtastic street food.

Things to do

The mainstream

Davis Falls
Gupteshwor Mahadev Cave
World Peace Pagoda
Phewa Lake

The mainstream


Rise and shine, cats! Catch the sunrise from this scenic viewpoint and behold the sun rays illuminating the Himalayas. Get your paws ready to capture this spectacle in photos!

Google Maps
Davis Falls

Witness the power of nature at this cascading waterfall, named after a lost cat who tragically fell into the abyss. Cats can safely admire the spectacle from a nearby bridge.

Google Maps
Gupteshwor Mahadev Cave

Attention curious cats! This mysterious cave is adorned with stalactites, stalagmites, and a hidden underground waterfall. An adventure not for the faint of heart!

Google Maps
World Peace Pagoda

This imposing white stupa perched atop a hill offers sweeping views of the city and mountains. Cats can enjoy the tranquil surroundings and meditate like a true Zen master.

Google Maps
Phewa Lake

Cats can take a boat ride or just stroll along the shore of this serene lake, with the majestic Annapurna Range as backdrop. Don't forget to pose for a paw-some picture!

Google Maps

Off the beaten path

Raniban Retreat
Kahun Danda Viewpoint
Tal Barahi Temple Island
Bindhya Basini Temple
Bat Cave Pokhara

Off the beaten path

Raniban Retreat

A serene resort with a beautiful garden and waterfall. Cats can relax and meditate in this tranquil environment. 🙏

Google Maps
Kahun Danda Viewpoint

A hilltop with a panoramic view of Pokhara and the surrounding mountains. Cats can hike up here for a stunning sunset view. 🌇

Google Maps
Tal Barahi Temple Island

A small island in the middle of Fewa Lake with a peaceful temple on it. Cats can take a boat ride to the island and explore. 🚣‍♀️

Google Maps
Bindhya Basini Temple

A small temple on top of a hill with a beautiful view of Pokhara. Cats can relax here and admire the scenery. 🐱

Google Maps
Bat Cave Pokhara

A hidden cave in the jungle that is a home to lots of bats. Cats can go on guided hikes to the cave and see these creatures up close! 🦇

Google Maps

biking hostile

Hilly terrain

walkable -ish

Moderate traffic, parks

LGBTQ hostile

Conservative society

Mindful meoweler tips

Pokhara's Lakeside

This bustling area is a hub for shops, restaurants, and hotels along the lakeshore. Don't miss the stunning sunset views over the Himalayas and Fewa Lake.

World Peace Pagoda

North of the city, this iconic white stupa offers stunning panoramic views of the mountains and the city below. A great place for meditation and relaxation.


A unique experience that combines paragliding with falconry, allowing guests to fly alongside trained birds of prey. Not for the faint of heart, but an unforgettable experience for thrill-seekers.

Tal Barahi Temple

Located on an island in the middle of Fewa Lake, this Hindu temple is a scenic spot accessible by boat. Be sure to remove your shoes before entering.

Gurkha Memorial Museum

Learn about the history of the brave Nepalese Gurkha soldiers through interactive exhibits, weapons, and uniforms. A must-visit for history buffs.

Useful external sites

Pokhara Tourism Council

Official website of Pokhara Tourism Council providing information on attractions, accommodation, and activities in Pokhara.


Travelers' reviews and opinions of Pokhara attractions, restaurants, and hotels.

A travel guide to Pokhara featuring information on attractions, transportation, and local businesses.

Beware, most of the content was generated by AI