

Tizayuca / Tiza-livin' it up!

Best month


Spectacular gardens at Hacienda Santa Maria Regla.


Visit local markets and enjoy the cool weather. Perfect time for hiking!


Attend the colorful and joyful carnival hosted by Tizayuca.


Experience the beautiful gardens at the Hacienda Santa Maria Regla.


Witness the stunning Holy Week celebrations in Tizayuca's historic churches.


Celebrate Tizayuca's foundation with dance festivals and regional food fairs.


Escape the heat with refreshing stays in luxurious rural hotels.


Join the vibrant parties held in different neighborhoods throughout Tizayuca.


Take part in the traditional grape harvest festivities in the nearby vineyards.


Watch the colorful and lively Independence Day parades in the town center.


Get lost in the huge corn mazes and haunted houses during Halloween.


Celebrate the Day of the Dead in Tizayuca's graveyards and altars.


Join the posadas and enjoy the rich local Christmas cuisine.


Reasonable prices

Bigmac $?


From a visiting cat's perspective, Tizayuca offers a decent economic situation with affordable prices for food and transportation, but shopping can be a bit expensive compared to other nearby cities.

Check out local markets for affordable souvenirs and gifts. Bargaining is common practice, so don't be afraid to negotiate prices.

Usual visit duration

1-3 days

passing through

Usual visit duration

1-3 days

passing through

Tizayuca is a small town mainly used as a stopover for travelers passing through to other nearby destinations.








internet situation

undefined Speed


undefined Availability


undefined Cellular


Electric socket type A

Common in North and Central America, and Japan. Mind voltage difference, especially for Japan (100V).


1 MXN =

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Day length

biking hostile

Limited biking infrastructure

walkable -ish

Moderate traffic and some parks.

LGBTQ hostile

Conservative region

The city's streets are a cat's dream come true with plenty of curious smells and alleys to explore.

Cats in Tizayuca will appreciate the tasty treats available at the local markets and the warm sun-soaked plazas for afternoon naps.

Things to do

The mainstream

Hacienda de Santa María Tecajete
Zona Arqueológica de Tizayuca
Parque Ecológico Zapomol
Mercado Municipal de Tizayuca
Templo y Ex Convento de San Luis Obispo

The mainstream

Hacienda de Santa María Tecajete

Esta bellísima hacienda es un ejemplo único de la arquitectura colonial mexicana. Además, cuenta con diversos atractivos como su bodega, capilla y jardines, los cuales te transportarán a otra época.

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Zona Arqueológica de Tizayuca

Este asentamiento prehispánico es uno de los más importantes de la zona, y cuenta con diversas estructuras arquitectónicas que reflejan las creencias y costumbres de los habitantes originales del lugar.

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Parque Ecológico Zapomol

Este hermoso parque cuenta con una gran variedad de especies de flora y fauna, y es el lugar perfecto para pasar un día en familia. ¡No te pierdas el impresionante lago artificial que hay en su interior!

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Mercado Municipal de Tizayuca

El lugar ideal para conseguir productos locales de gran calidad a precios muy accesibles. ¡Aquí encontrarás de todo, desde frutas y verduras hasta artesanías y ropa!

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Templo y Ex Convento de San Luis Obispo

Este icónico templo es un gran ejemplo de la arquitectura barroca mexicana. Además, cuenta con un impresionante acervo artístico y cultural.

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Off the beaten path

La Zona Arqueológica de Omitlán
Biosfera Reserve
La Pulga Market
Parroquia de San Pedro
Rancho Las Cumbres

Off the beaten path

La Zona Arqueológica de Omitlán

History buffs unite! This archaeological site is rich in prehispanic history and culture. Cats will enjoy exploring the ruins and learning about ancient civilizations. 🏛️🐾📚

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Biosfera Reserve

Nature lovers, this one's for you! Hike through the beautiful landscape and spot rare animal species. Cats will love the fresh air and exercise. 🌿🌺🐆

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La Pulga Market

Get ready to dig through piles of hidden treasures! This flea market is perfect for cats with a sense of adventure. Find unique souvenirs and gifts to take home. 🧐🛍️😸

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Parroquia de San Pedro

This stunning church has been around since the 16th century! Cats will appreciate the ancient architecture and peaceful atmosphere. 😇🏰😺

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Rancho Las Cumbres

A beautiful ranch with pawsome views of the countryside. Cats can roam free and enjoy the fresh air while their hoomans relax by the pool. 🌳🐾🌤️

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biking hostile

Limited biking infrastructure

walkable -ish

Moderate traffic and some parks.

LGBTQ hostile

Conservative region

Mindful meoweler tips

Tizayuca's Carnival Celebration

Experience the vibrant and colorful Carnival celebration every February. Join the locals in the street parade and costume party with live music and dancing.

Try Local Street Food

Sample Tizayuca's delicious street food like tacos, tamales, and huaraches. Don't miss the chance to try cecina - a thin beef steak with spices.

Visit the Hacienda de Tovar

Explore the beautiful Hacienda de Tovar with its 400-year-old architecture. Learn about its rich history of agriculture, livestock, and cultural heritage.

Useful external sites

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