
Congo (Kinshasa)

Kindu / Spice up your love life

MeowScore 😼75/100
What is MeowScore?
🐈 Cats in the city 😸
☀️ Sun-soaked days 😻
🚗 Traffic density 😼
🔈 Noisiness 😼
📸 Views and Sightseeing 😸
🌳 Parks and greenery 😸
👮‍♂️ Safety 😸

Best month


Best time to visit Lola Ya Bonobo Sanctuary.


Visit to see the breathtaking beauty of the Congo River. (20 words)


Witness the incredible wildlife at Okapi Wildlife Reserve. (15 words)


Explore the stunning scenery of Salonga National Park. (15 words)


See the vibrant colors of the blossoming flowers at Tumba Botanical Garden. (20 words)


Experience the exciting music and dance festivals during the month of May. (20 words)


Witness the massive migration of wildebeest in Upemba National Park. (20 words)


Visit to see the incredible Bonobos at the Lola Ya Bonobo Sanctuary. (15 words)


Explore the magnificent caves in the Kibara Mountains. (15 words)


Visit to see the stunning waterfalls of Kundelungu National Park. (20 words)


Experience the colorful and lively street parades and festivals in October. (20 words)


Take a boat trip to see the incredible Congolese dolphins. (15 words)


Enjoy the beautiful beaches and warm weather at Lake Mai-Ndombe. (20 words)


Expensive city

Bigmac $?


From a visiting cat's point of view, the economical situation is quite expensive in Kindu. Prices for basic goods and souvenirs are higher than expected. However, bargaining is common and can result in lower prices.

When shopping in Kindu, haggle for prices and compare prices in different shops to find the best deals.

Usual visit duration

2-3 days

passing through or business

Usual visit duration

2-3 days

passing through or business

Limited tourist infrastructure and security concerns may limit visits.



No Tipping culture



No Tipping culture

Cash is the primary mode of payment, credit cards not widely accepted.

internet situation

bad Speed

Slow due to limited infrastructure

bad Availability

Internet access is limited

good Cellular

Cellular coverage is decent in urban areas

Electric socket type C

Common in Europe, South America, and Asia. Non-grounded, 2-pin plug, accepts Type C & Type E&F (non-grounded variant).


1 CDF =

Currency converter



Day length

biking hostile

Poor infrastructure

walking hostile

High traffic

LGBTQ hostile


A cat's dream city where there's always fresh fish from the Congo River.

But beware, the paw-pavement can be a bit rough. Meow.

Things to do

The mainstream

Marché Central
Maison du Patrimoine
Parc National Des Kundelungu
La Plage De Kindu

The mainstream

Marché Central

The bustling central market of Kindu, where cats can shop for everything from colorful fabrics to fresh fruits and vegetables. A vibrant and lively experience!

Google Maps

A popular restaurant known for its delicious Congolese cuisine, especially its grilled fish and plantains. A must-visit for foodie cats!

Google Maps
Maison du Patrimoine

A historic museum showcasing the cultural heritage of Kindu. Learn about the city's colonial history and the local Kwilu-Ngongo tribe.

Google Maps
Parc National Des Kundelungu

A beautiful national park for adventurous cats who love to hike and explore the wildlife. Home to rare species like the okapi and Angola colobus monkeys.

Google Maps
La Plage De Kindu

A serene beach on the banks of the Congo River, perfect for cats who love to relax and play in the sand. Don't forget to bring sunscreen and a frisbee!

Google Maps

Off the beaten path

La Grotte de Kinjiba
Marché du Samedi
Palais d'Autel
La Forêt de Nyamulagira
Chutes de la Lukaya

Off the beaten path

La Grotte de Kinjiba

Brave cats, don your explorer hats and venture to the spook-tacular limestone cave. Beware of bats and bats... 🦇

Google Maps
Marché du Samedi

Cat-stantly bustling market, selling everything from live chickens and vibrantly colored fabrics to treats for you and your human. 🐓

Google Maps
Palais d'Autel

Get whisker-deep in history at this former palace of a local chieftain. Chatty locals will tell you tails of colonialism and independence. 🏰

Google Maps
La Forêt de Nyamulagira

A meowtastic jungle to explore for brave cats. Home to exotic birds and shy panthers. 🌳

Google Maps
Chutes de la Lukaya

Purrfect place for adventurous cats as you can jump from one paw to another on the cascading waterfalls. 🐾

Google Maps

biking hostile

Poor infrastructure

walking hostile

High traffic

LGBTQ hostile


Mindful meoweler tips

Respect local customs

Greet cats by shaking their paws, always ask permission before entering a cat's home, and dress modestly to show respect.

Language barriers

French is the official language of Congo (Kinshasa) but Swahili is also widely spoken. Bring a phrasebook or translation app to communicate.


Taxis are the main mode of transportation, negotiate the price beforehand and make sure the driver knows the destination. Buses are cheaper but can be crowded and uncomfortable.

Useful external sites

Lonely Planet

Travel guide with information on attractions, activities, and accommodation in Kindu and other parts of Congo (Kinshasa).


Crowd-sourced travel guide with practical information for travelers, including transportation options and safety tips.


Travelers' reviews and photos of Kindu's attractions, restaurants, and accommodations.

Beware, most of the content was generated by AI