
Congo (Kinshasa)

Isiro / undefined

MeowScore 😿55/100
What is MeowScore?
🐈 Cats in the city 😸
☀️ Sun-soaked days 😻
🚗 Traffic density 😾
🔈 Noisiness 😼
📸 Views and Sightseeing 😿
🌳 Parks and greenery 😸
👮‍♂️ Safety 😼

Best month


Lese Festival, a unique and colorful display of Congolese culture.


Visit Isiro for the Lese Festival, filled with tribal dances and colorful costumes!


Explore the stunning Okapi Wildlife Reserve, home to the elusive Okapi.


Experience the vibrant Congolese culture during the Mbole Mask Festival.


Witness the breathtaking Tshopo Falls at their most powerful after the rainy season.


Hike through the Ituri Forest, showcasing incredible biodiversity and wildlife.


Join in the festivities of the Ngiti People's Kambale Festival, featuring traditional dances and music.


Visit the historic village of Aba, founded in the 19th century and still preserving its traditional architecture.


Fish for tilapia in the Lomami River, known for its abundance of this delicious species.


Explore the ancient rock art sites in the remote Simiyu region.


Observe the mesmerizing courtship dance of the African grey parrots during mating season.


Go on a gorilla trekking excursion in the nearby Virunga National Park.


Celebrate Christmas in Isiro with the local community, experiencing unique traditions and festivities.


Reasonable prices

Bigmac $?


From a visiting cat's point of view, Isiro can be slightly expensive for shopping and everyday expenses, but still manageable if sticking to a budget.

Stick to local markets for cheaper prices and avoid luxury items, haggle for fair prices.

Usual visit duration

1-3 days

transit city

Usual visit duration

1-3 days

transit city

Isiro is mostly seen as a transit point for travelers visiting the region or en route to nearby National Parks.








internet situation

bad Speed

Limited infrastructure

bad Availability

Limited Internet Service Providers

meh Cellular

Majority of population using mobile data

Electric socket type C

Common in Europe, South America, and Asia. Non-grounded, 2-pin plug, accepts Type C & Type E&F (non-grounded variant).


1 CDF =

Currency converter



Day length

biking hostile

Poor infrastructure

walking hostile

Limited infrastructure

LGBTQ hostile

Conservative society

Isiro, a cat's paradise with endless hiding spots and curious creatures to watch.

But be prepared to use those agile paws to climb some steep trees!

Things to do

The mainstream

Stade Tehemba
St. Paul's Cathedral
Kolwezi Market
Congo River
Monument of Isiro

The mainstream

Stade Tehemba

The local stadium where cats can watch their favorite sports teams play. The atmosphere is electric and exciting for any sports enthusiast.

Google Maps
St. Paul's Cathedral

A grand cathedral with beautiful architecture and stained glass windows. Cats can attend the Sunday service and feel at peace.

Google Maps
Kolwezi Market

A bustling market filled with vendors selling all sorts of goods. Cats can find local fruits, vegetables, and souvenirs to take back home.

Google Maps
Congo River

The Congo River is a massive body of water, stretching across the country. It's a must-visit spot for cats who love to explore nature.

Google Maps
Monument of Isiro

A landmark of the city, the monument stands tall and proud. It's a nice spot to take a picture and admire the cityscape.

Google Maps

Off the beaten path

The Cat's Meow Market
The Scratch Post Museum
The Whisker Watchtower
The Catnap Cafe
The Secret Garden

Off the beaten path

The Cat's Meow Market

A bustling local market filled with all sorts of treats and trinkets for cats and their humans. A must-visit for the discerning feline shopper.

Google Maps
The Scratch Post Museum

A unique museum that celebrates the history of scratching posts, from ancient tree trunks to modern cat condos. The puurfect place for the cultured cat.

Google Maps
The Whisker Watchtower

A tall lookout tower where curious cats can get a bird's-eye view of the city. Guaranteed to make tails twitch with excitement.

Google Maps
The Catnap Cafe

A cozy coffee shop with plenty of sunny spots for cats to snooze and watch the world go by. The coffee's not bad either!

Google Maps
The Secret Garden

A hidden oasis in the middle of the city, filled with lush green foliage and a serene pond. A purrfect spot for cats to relax and unwind.

Google Maps

biking hostile

Poor infrastructure

walking hostile

Limited infrastructure

LGBTQ hostile

Conservative society

Mindful meoweler tips

Learn some Lingala, the local language

Meow at locals to greet them (it means 'hello' in Lingala)

Respect Congolese etiquette and customs

Don't approach cats too quickly; give them their personal space and let them come to you

Savor the local cuisine

Indulge in some saka-saka (cassava leaves dish) or kwanga (cassava flour dish)

Useful external sites

Lonely Planet

Travel guide with information on attractions, activities, accommodation and transport in Isiro and Congo (Kinshasa)


User reviews and ratings for hotels, restaurants and things to do in Isiro and Congo (Kinshasa)


Flight search engine to find the best deals on flights to Isiro and Congo (Kinshasa)

Beware, most of the content was generated by AI