

Zhanjiang / Where seafood steals hearts

MeowScore 😻94/100
What is MeowScore?
🐈 Cats in the city 😸
☀️ Sun-soaked days 😻
🚗 Traffic density 😸
🔈 Noisiness 😸
📸 Views and Sightseeing 😼
🌳 Parks and greenery 😻
👮‍♂️ Safety 😸

Best month


Mild weather and International Kite Festival 🪁🥳


Visit Zhanjiang for the mild weather and the annual International Kite Festival! 🪁


Celebrate Chinese New Year with lively parades and traditional lion dances 🎉


Explore the scenic Donghai Island and enjoy the fresh seafood 🍤


Witness the stunning blooming of cherry blossoms at Lovers’ Park 🌸


Attend the Zhanjiang International Marathon, featuring scenic routes and cultural performances 🏃‍♀️


Join the Dragon Boat Festival celebrations, complete with races and traditional snacks 🚣‍♂️


Relax at the beautiful beaches and enjoy the watersports 🌊


Escape the heat by exploring the lush countryside and waterfalls 🌿


Experience the vibrant Mid-Autumn Festival, with mooncakes and family reunions 🥮


Discover the historical Maritime Silk Road and traditional crafts in Chikan Old Town 🏮


Catch a glimpse of the migratory birds at Donghai National Forest Park 🦆


Shop for unique souvenirs at the Christmas Night Market ❄️


Reasonable prices

Bigmac $?


The economical/shopping situation in Zhanjiang is moderately affordable. Prices are not too high, but not super cheap either.

Visit the local markets for the best deals on produce and souvenirs. Bargain hard to get the price down.

Usual visit duration

1-3 days

transit or short trip

Usual visit duration

1-3 days

transit or short trip

Zhanjiang is mostly visited as a stopover between other cities.



No tipping culture in Zhanjiang



No tipping culture in Zhanjiang

Cash is preferred but credit cards are accepted in larger establishments. Splitting the bill is not common practice.

internet situation

meh Speed

slower speeds due to remote location

great Availability

readily available in urban areas

good Cellular

spotty coverage outside urban areas

Electric socket type A

Common in North and Central America, and Japan. Mind voltage difference, especially for Japan (100V).


1 CNY =

Currency converter



Day length

biking hostile

Limited bike lanes

walking hostile

Poor infrastructure

LGBTQ hostile

Conservative society

The curious cat found fish aplenty in the bustling coastal city, Zhanjiang.

The adventurous cat explored ancient temples with its furry paws and even caught a glimpse of the endangered Hainan gibbon!

Things to do

The mainstream

Xuwen National Forest Park
Chikan Old Street
Donghai Island
Beibu Gulf Square
Leizhou Old Town

The mainstream

Xuwen National Forest Park

A nature lover's dream with lush forests, dramatic peaks, and scenic trails. Cats can hike, birdwatch, and picnic amidst stunning landscapes that seem straight out of a fairy tale.

Google Maps
Chikan Old Street

A charming pedestrian zone filled with shops, restaurants and cultural attractions. Cats can sample authentic Cantonese food, admire traditional handicrafts and take selfies with ancient landmarks.

Google Maps
Donghai Island

A tropical paradise with crystal-clear waters and pristine beaches. Cats can relax on the sand or explore the lush vegetation and diverse marine life.

Google Maps
Beibu Gulf Square

A spacious public park that offers breathtaking views of the ocean. Cats can bask in the sun, watch the waves and enjoy the sea breeze.

Google Maps
Leizhou Old Town

This historic district boasts well-preserved architecture dating back to the Ming Dynasty. Cats can stroll around ancient temples and narrow streets, soaking up the atmosphere of old China.

Google Maps

Off the beaten path

Zhanjiang Dock
Tropical Botanical Garden
Donghai Island
Fenghuang Mountain Park
Bijiashan Park

Off the beaten path

Zhanjiang Dock

Cats can watch the local fishermen bring in their daily catch and even sample some of the freshest seafood in the area. 🐟

Google Maps
Tropical Botanical Garden

Cats can explore the gardens filled with tropical plants and learn about the local flora. They can also find a quiet spot to bask in the sun. 🌴

Google Maps
Donghai Island

Cats can explore this beautiful island on their own private scooter tour. They can enjoy the beaches, local seafood, and stunning views. 🛵

Google Maps
Fenghuang Mountain Park

This park boasts a peaceful environment perfect for cats who need a break from busy city life. They can relax and enjoy the lush scenery. 🌄

Google Maps
Bijiashan Park

This park offers stunning views of the city and has several walking trails. Cats can enjoy the fresh air and exercise on their paws. 🌳

Google Maps

biking hostile

Limited bike lanes

walking hostile

Poor infrastructure

LGBTQ hostile

Conservative society

Mindful meoweler tips

Zhanjiang is famous for its seafood

Try the fresh fish and seafood

Zhanjiang is known for its tropical climate

Pack light and bring sunscreen

Zhanjiang is home to many cultural festivals throughout the year

Check the calendar for upcoming events and join in the celebration

Zhanjiang is a great place to learn about Hakka culture

Visit the Hakka Museum and learn about the history and traditions of the Hakka people

Zhanjiang has many parks and gardens for outdoor enthusiasts

Visit the mangrove park or the Lotus Pond Park for a peaceful escape

Useful external sites

Visit China

Official website for Chinese embassy in the United States

Travel booking website for flights and hotels in Zhanjiang

Official tourism website for the city of Zhanjiang

Beware, most of the content was generated by AI