

Táriba / Discover Hidden Gem

MeowScore 😼79/100
What is MeowScore?
🐈 Cats in the city 😸
☀️ Sun-soaked days 😻
🚗 Traffic density 😸
🔈 Noisiness 😸
📸 Views and Sightseeing 😼
🌳 Parks and greenery 😸
👮‍♂️ Safety 😸

Best month


Celebrate the New Year's and enjoy the festive atmosphere.


Visit Tariba for the colorful New Year's celebrations! 🎉


Explore the beautiful national parks with cooler weather. 🌲


Attend the international music festival featuring local artists. 🎶


Experience the Semana Santa processions and taste the traditional food. 🍴


Enjoy hiking and birdwatching in the green mountains. 🐦


Swim in waterfalls and rivers in the warmer weather. 🏊‍♂️


Join the big traditional rodeos and taste grilled meat. 🐂


Visit for the Tariba town anniversary, full of cultural events. 🎭


See the colorful balloon festival in the sky. 🎈


Taste the typical desserts and see the flower fair. 🍰


Explore the coffee farms and try the fresh coffee. ☕


Enjoy the Christmas lights and decorations in the town. 🎄


Wallet friendly

Bigmac $?


As a visiting cat, Tariba offers affordable options for shopping and dining. However, due to ongoing economic struggles in Venezuela, prices may fluctuate and access to certain goods may be limited.

Consider exchanging currency before arrival and bringing cash for transactions. Local markets and street vendors offer the best deals on unique souvenirs.

Usual visit duration

1-3 days

short getaway

Usual visit duration

1-3 days

short getaway

Tariba is a small city with limited tourist attractions, usually visited as a pitstop on a road trip through Venezuela.



No tipping culture



No tipping culture

Cash is preferred in most establishments with few accepting credit cards.

internet situation

bad Speed

Slow speed due to limited infrastructure

meh Availability

Limited availability in remote areas

good Cellular

Decent coverage provided by multiple providers

Electric socket type A

Common in North and Central America, and Japan. Mind voltage difference, especially for Japan (100V).


1 VES =

Currency converter



Day length

biking hostile

Limited infrastructure

walkable -ish

Moderate walkability, some parks

LGBTQ hostile

Conservative society

Catnip fields and sun-soaked terraces greet the curious cat visitor in this Venezuelan mountain town.

Felines will love the maze of cobblestone streets and quirky cat-themed architecture.

Things to do

The mainstream

Antonio Muñoz Square
La Quinta Park
San José Church
Casa Colonial
Margarita Park

The mainstream

Antonio Muñoz Square

In the heart of Tariba, this lively square is perfect for people-watching and soaking up the local atmosphere. Listen to live music and wander the markets.

Google Maps
La Quinta Park

Escape the hustle and bustle of the city with a day trip to this tranquil park. Take a picnic and enjoy the fresh air and greenery.

Google Maps
San José Church

A stunning church with intricate stained glass windows and soaring bell towers. A must-see for any cat tourist.

Google Maps
Casa Colonial

Step back in time with a visit to this historic colonial house. Admire the antique furniture and learn about Tariba's past.

Google Maps
Margarita Park

A beautiful park in the heart of Tariba filled with colorful flowers and trees. Perfect for a relaxing afternoon stroll.

Google Maps

Off the beaten path

La Cueva del Indio
El Cedral de la Isla
El Toronjal
La Guitarra River
La Chata Waterfall

Off the beaten path

La Cueva del Indio

Cat can explore a mystical cave and learn about the legends and beliefs of the indigenous people who used to inhabit the area.🕯️🧭😸

Google Maps
El Cedral de la Isla

Cat can discover the remains of an ancient civilization and marvel at the intricate petroglyphs on rock formations.🗿🔍😼

Google Maps
El Toronjal

Cat can taste the freshest local produce and buy handmade crafts at this charming rural market.🍎🍅🎨

Google Maps
La Guitarra River

Cat can spend a quiet day fishing in the tranquil waters of this river that are full of rainbow trout.🎣🌈😺

Google Maps
La Chata Waterfall

Cat can hike to this beautiful seven-meter waterfall surrounded by lush vegetation and enjoy a refreshing dip in the natural pools below. 🌊🌿😻

Google Maps

biking hostile

Limited infrastructure

walkable -ish

Moderate walkability, some parks

LGBTQ hostile

Conservative society

Mindful meoweler tips

Useful external sites


Reviews, recommendations, and information on hotels, restaurants, and attractions in Tariba, Venezuela.

Lonely Planet

Travel guidebook with practical information on Tariba, Venezuela, including things to do, places to eat, and accommodations.

Online booking platform for hotels, apartments, and vacation rentals in Tariba, Venezuela.

Beware, most of the content was generated by AI