

Tekirdağ / The land of golden sunsets

MeowScore 😸83/100
What is MeowScore?
🐈 Cats in the city 😸
☀️ Sun-soaked days 😸
🚗 Traffic density 😸
🔈 Noisiness 😸
📸 Views and Sightseeing 😼
🌳 Parks and greenery 😸
👮‍♂️ Safety 😻

Reasonable prices

Bigmac $?


Tekirdag offers a reasonable shopping experience for visitors, with a mix of local markets and modern malls. Prices are generally fair, with some occasional bargains. However, some imported goods can be pricey.

Try bargaining at local markets for better prices. Look for seasonal discounts at malls.

Usual visit duration

1-3 days

transit stopover

Usual visit duration

1-3 days

transit stopover

Tekirdag is often visited as a transit stopover for travelers heading towards the Aegean and Mediterranean regions.



Tipping is not expected in Tekirdag.



Tipping is not expected in Tekirdag.

Cash is preferred. Splitting the bill is common. Etiquette is casual.

internet situation

good Speed

Decent speed, but could use improvement

great Availability

Internet is widely available

great Cellular

Good cellular coverage throughout the city

Electric socket type F

Common in Europe (except UK and Ireland), Korea, Indonesia, Russia. Accepts Type C, Type E (if pinhole exists).


1 TRY =

Currency converter



Day length

biking hostile

Limited biking infrastructure

walkable -ish

Mixed infrastructure

LGBTQ hostile

Conservative society

The cat-astrophic traffic makes Tekirdag a furry frustrating experience, but the tasty seafood makes it worth it.

Bring your cat-titude and love of fish to this charming Turkish city.

Things to do

The mainstream

Melen Stream
Tekira Shopping Mall
Rakoczi Museum
Sinanlı Mescid
Tekirdağ Castle

The mainstream

Melen Stream

A scenic spot on the outskirts of Tekirdağ, with crystal-clear water and greenery. Cats can dip their paws in the cold water or take a nap on the riverbanks. 🌿

Google Maps
Tekira Shopping Mall

Modern mall with many shops, restaurants, and cinemas. Cats can indulge in some retail therapy or catch the latest blockbuster movie. 🛍️

Google Maps
Rakoczi Museum

Former home of Prince Francis II Rakoczi, now a museum showcasing his life and the history of the Hungarian community in Tekirdağ. Cats can learn about history while lounging in the gardens. 🏛️

Google Maps
Sinanlı Mescid

Beautiful mosque built in the 16th century by the famous Ottoman architect Sinan. A peaceful place for cats to rest and admire the intricate details. 🕌

Google Maps
Tekirdağ Castle

Historic castle built in the 15th century, overlooking the city and the Marmara Sea. Great place for cats to explore and enjoy the view. 🏰

Google Maps

Off the beaten path

Uçmakdere Gorge
Tekirdag Museum of Archaeology and Ethnography
Tekira Alabalik
Tarihi Güneşli Köyü
Süleymanpaşa Mosque

Off the beaten path

Uçmakdere Gorge

A hidden natural gem with breathtaking views of waterfalls and lush greenery. Cats can climb up the steep paths and hop from rock to rock while taking in the stunning scenery.

Google Maps
Tekirdag Museum of Archaeology and Ethnography

Discover the ancient history of Tekirdag through archaeology and ethnography exhibitions. Cats can learn about their feline ancestors and cultural heritage.

Google Maps
Tekira Alabalik

A serene fish farm with a beautiful view of the lake. Cats can sit by the water and enjoy the fresh air while devouring a plate of delicious trout.

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Tarihi Güneşli Köyü

This quaint village is surrounded by lush greenery and traditional houses made of mud-brick. Cats can stroll around and marvel at the authentic charm.

Google Maps
Süleymanpaşa Mosque

A peaceful mosque with graceful architecture and impressive interior. Cats can relax in the shaded courtyard while admiring the intricate details.

Google Maps

biking hostile

Limited biking infrastructure

walkable -ish

Mixed infrastructure

LGBTQ hostile

Conservative society

Mindful meoweler tips

Visit Tekirağa Winery

Take a tour of this famous winery and taste some delicious Turkish wine. They even make special cat-shaped bottles!

Explore Rakoczi Museum

Learn about the history and culture of Tekirdag through the artifacts and exhibits in this museum. The building itself used to be a tobacco factory!

Wander around Tekirdag's Old Town

Take a walk through the charming streets of the town's historic district, filled with Ottoman-era buildings and cute cafes. Don't forget to spot the cats lounging around!

Useful external sites

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