

Rangoon / Discover the Golden Land

MeowScore 😾68/100
What is MeowScore?
🐈 Cats in the city 😸
☀️ Sun-soaked days 😸
🚗 Traffic density 😼
🔈 Noisiness 😼
📸 Views and Sightseeing 😸
🌳 Parks and greenery 😼
👮‍♂️ Safety 😼

Best month


Cool and pleasant weather for sightseeing.


Visit Rangoon to witness the majestic Kachin Manaw Festival! 🎉


Explore the ancient city of Bagan under the cool climate. 🏛️


Experience the vibrant and colorful Water Festival in April! 💦


Enjoy the beautiful cherry blossoms at Kandawgyi Lake. 🌸


Visit the Shwedagon Pagoda without the crowds. 🙏


Take a boat ride through the serene Inle Lake. 🛶


Explore the breathtaking Golden Rock Pagoda. ⛰️


Trek through the scenic hills of Shan State. 🌄


Witness the dazzling Hot Air Balloon Festival in Taunggyi! 🎈


Attend the Thadingyut Lighting Festival in Yangon. 🎆


Discover the history of Mandalay at its ancient royal palace. 🏰


Marvel at the snow-capped mountains of Putao. ❄️


Reasonable prices

Bigmac $?


The shopping situation in Rangoon can be expensive for certain items, but there are also plenty of cheap options for savvy tourists.

Check out local markets and negotiate for good deals. Focus on buying local products rather than imported goods to save money.

Usual visit duration

3-5 days

exploring highlights

Usual visit duration

3-5 days

exploring highlights

Visitors tend to spend a few days in Rangoon to see key attractions like Shwedagon Pagoda, Bogyoke Aung San Market and colonial architecture.



No tipping culture in Myanmar



No tipping culture in Myanmar

Cash is preferred. Splitting bills may not be accepted. Avoid showing disrespect by not throwing money or touching objects with feet.

internet situation

meh Speed

limited infrastructure

good Availability

available in most areas

great Cellular

good coverage for mobile internet

Electric socket type C

Common in Europe, South America, and Asia. Non-grounded, 2-pin plug, accepts Type C & Type E&F (non-grounded variant).


1 MMK =

Currency converter



Day length

biking hostile

Lack of infrastructure

walking hostile

Heavy traffic

LGBTQ hostile

Poor laws

This catnip-infused jungle is pawfect for adventurous cats, with spicy seafood and chaotic streets.

But watch out for the human hairballs riding scooters, they're nuts!

Things to do

The mainstream

Sule Pagoda
Bogyoke Aung San Market
Kandawgyi Lake
Yangon Chinatown
Shwedagon Pagoda

The mainstream

Sule Pagoda

An ancient pagoda that stands at the heart of Rangoon, marking the center of the bustling city. Join the meowing masses of curious cats as they explore this beautiful and historic landmark.

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Bogyoke Aung San Market

A lively marketplace brimming with a kaleidoscope of colorful textiles, handicrafts, and curiosities. Peruse through the stalls with curious paws and snag some souvenirs to bring back to your cat kingdom.

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Kandawgyi Lake

A serene oasis in the heart of the city, this tranquil lake is a perfect place for cats to unwind and reflect. Walk along the peaceful shores, nap under shady trees, and watch the graceful swans glide across the water.

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Yangon Chinatown

A bustling enclave of Rangoon filled with aromatic street foods and vibrant energy. Join the local cats as they prowl through the alleys and indulge their curious noses in the delightful scents.

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Shwedagon Pagoda

The most iconic landmark of Rangoon, this golden temple complex is a must-visit for all cats. Bask in the majestic glory of the 2,500-year-old pagoda and its intricate architecture.

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Off the beaten path

Chaukhtatgyi Buddha Temple
Hledan Market
Taukkyan War Cemetery
Pansodan Art Gallery
Inya Lake

Off the beaten path

Chaukhtatgyi Buddha Temple

Home to a massive reclining Buddha statue that's sure to leave a lasting impression. Take in the intricate details of this spiritual masterpiece. 🙏

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Hledan Market

For an authentic Burmese shopping experience, head to the bustling Hledan Market. From fresh produce to unique souvenirs, you'll find it all here! 🛍️

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Taukkyan War Cemetery

An important historical site honoring fallen soldiers, surrounded by peaceful gardens. Pay your respects and learn about the country's past. 🙏

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Pansodan Art Gallery

Proudly showcasing Myanmar's contemporary art scene, this hidden gem of a gallery is definitely worth a visit for all you artsy cats out there. 🎨

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Inya Lake

Take a break from the hustle and bustle of the city and relax by the tranquil Inya Lake. Perfect for afternoon strolls or picnics with a view. 🌅

Google Maps

biking hostile

Lack of infrastructure

walking hostile

Heavy traffic

LGBTQ hostile

Poor laws

Mindful meoweler tips

Shwedagon Pagoda - A Must-Visit Destination

This golden pagoda is over 2,500 years old, and treasures of the Buddha are said to be enshrined inside. Cats must dress modestly and remove their paws (shoes) before entering.

Yangon's Markets - A Cat's Dream

Bargain for fresh produce, spices, and handicrafts at Bogyoke Aung San Market and the local night markets. Cats can also try traditional Burmese dishes, but beware of spicy curries!

Thanlyin's Kyauktan Pagoda - A Hidden Gem

Located in the town of Thanlyin, this pagoda is surrounded by water and accessible only by boat. Visitors can participate in the release of captive turtles into the river. Cats may also spot monkeys and parrots.

Myanmar Tea Culture - A Relaxing Ritual

Tea is an important part of Myanmar culture and a great way to relax. Cats can experience the slow pace of life at a tea shop or join locals at a street tea stall. Milk tea with condensed milk is a popular choice.

Useful external sites

Myanmar Tourism

Official website of Myanmar Tourism. Useful information for travelers to plan their visit to Rangoon and other parts of Myanmar.

A comprehensive travel guide for tourists visiting Myanmar. Provides information on places to visit, accommodation options and things to do in Rangoon.


A popular travel website that offers reviews and recommendations from fellow travelers. Plenty of information on Rangoon attractions and things to do.

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