

Himeji / undefined

MeowScore 🙀103/100
What is MeowScore?
🐈 Cats in the city 😸
☀️ Sun-soaked days 😸
🚗 Traffic density 😻
🔈 Noisiness 😻
📸 Views and Sightseeing 😻
🌳 Parks and greenery 😸
👮‍♂️ Safety 😻

Best month


Mild weather, cherry blossoms, and historical temple.


Visit Himeji Castle during its stunning winter illumination display!


Celebrate Setsubun with traditional bean-throwing ceremonies and festive activities.


Experience the beautiful cherry blossom season in the castle gardens and surrounding parks.


Enjoy the serene atmosphere of nearby Shoshazan Engyoji temple.


Take part in the local Aioi Peron Festival and see mesmerizing performances and colorful floats.


Escape the heat and crowds by exploring the cool underground tunnels of Akashi Kaikyo Bridge.


Experience the vibrant fireworks display over the castle in the clear summer night sky.


Visit Himeji Summer festival and watch the impressive drum performances and traditional dance.


Witness the impressive sword demonstration and martial arts performances during the castle festival.


Discover the eerie beauty of Hyogo Prefectural Museum of Art's haunted house exhibit.


Enjoy the enchanting autumn foliage and peaceful atmosphere in Kokoen Garden.


Explore the wintry landscapes and stunning views from Hyogo Sky Observatory.


Reasonable prices

Bigmac $?


The shopping and dining options in Himeji can vary in price, with some areas being quite expensive while others offer more affordable options. As a tourist, you'll need to do some research to find the best deals.

Look for local markets and street vendors for affordable souvenirs and food. Check out department store sales for luxury items at a discount.

Usual visit duration

1-2 days

To visit Himeji Castle

Usual visit duration

1-2 days

To visit Himeji Castle

Most visitors come for the castle and nearby attractions.



No tipping culture in Japan



No tipping culture in Japan

Cash is preferred, splitting the bill not common. No tipping is expected for any service.

internet situation

great Speed

Fiber optic available.

excellent Availability

Broadband available to most residents.

great Cellular

Good coverage for most carriers.

Electric socket type B

Common in North and Central America. Safer because of grounding pin, mind voltage differences.


1 JPY =

Currency converter



Day length

biking possible

Well-established bike culture


Well-planned streets

LGBTQ hostile

Conservative society



Things to do

The mainstream

Tegarayama Central Park
Himeji City Zoo
Mt. Shosha
Kokoen Garden
Himeji Castle

The mainstream

Tegarayama Central Park

A peaceful park with walking trails and a pond. Cats can enjoy the fresh air and stretch their paws.

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Himeji City Zoo

This zoo may not be the largest, but cats will enjoy seeing a variety of animals and plants native to Japan.

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Mt. Shosha

Cats can take a cable car up the mountain to enjoy panoramic views and visit the Engyoji Temple, made famous in the movie 'The Last Samurai'.

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Kokoen Garden

A beautiful garden with 9 different gardens! Meowvel at the traditional Japanese landscaping and water features

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Himeji Castle

A UNESCO World Heritage Site and Japan's most iconic castle. Cats will love the stunning castle grounds and gardens surrounding the main keep.

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Off the beaten path

Otokoyama Park
Hyogo Prefectural Museum of History
Engyoji Temple
Mount Shosha
Himeji Castle

Off the beaten path

Otokoyama Park

A picturesque park with a pond and plenty of green space. It's also home to a small zoo, perfect for watching other animals and pretending to be a big cat.

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Hyogo Prefectural Museum of History

An interactive museum that showcases the history and culture of Hyogo Prefecture. The museum's exhibits feature some pawsome artifacts from the area's past.

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Engyoji Temple

A serene temple complex located on Mount Shosha. Local cats say that the temple's stunning architecture and peaceful atmosphere makes it the purrfect place to meditate.

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Mount Shosha

A peaceful mountain that boasts a beautiful temple complex with stunning panoramic views of Himeji. The perfect place for a catnap.

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Himeji Castle

A stunning castle with a history dating back to 1333. It's one of only 12 original castles in Japan and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

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biking possible

Well-established bike culture


Well-planned streets

LGBTQ hostile

Conservative society

Mindful meoweler tips

Visit Himeji Castle

A UNESCO world heritage site, this stunning castle is an iconic landmark of Japan. Meowvel at its architecture and learn about its rich history.

Observe Japanese manners

Japanese culture has various manners and practices, such as bowing and removing shoes. Be sure to research and respect them to avoid being seen as impolite.

Try local delicacies

Himeji offers various delicious foods like takoyaki, okonomiyaki and octopus sashimi. Don't be afraid to try something new!

Visit Engyo-ji Temple

Hop on a ropeway to visit this beautiful temple perched atop a mountain. Enjoy stunning views of Himeji and the surrounding area.

Experience seasonal events

Himeji hosts many seasonal events such as Hina Matsuri (Doll Festival) and Tanabata (Star Festival). Immerse yourself in the local culture by attending these unique events.

Useful external sites


Official travel guide website for Himeji City. Provides information on sightseeing spots, accommodations, restaurants, and transportation.

Comprehensive travel guide for Japan with information on various regions including Himeji. Provides information on sightseeing spots, accommodations, and transportation.

Travel website providing information on hotels, restaurants, and attractions in Himeji. Also offers reviews and ratings from other travelers.

Beware, most of the content was generated by AI