

Taranto / Savor the blue sea breeze

MeowScore 😼77/100
What is MeowScore?
🐈 Cats in the city 😸
☀️ Sun-soaked days 😻
🚗 Traffic density 😼
🔈 Noisiness 😸
📸 Views and Sightseeing 😸
🌳 Parks and greenery 😼
👮‍♂️ Safety 😸

Best month


Mild weather and Taranto International Film Festival. 🎥🌞


Experience the traditional Epiphany celebration with fireworks and parades. 🎉🐱


Enjoy the Carnevale di Taranto, with masks and street performances. 🎭🐱


Visit the archaeological museum and admire the ancient artifacts. 🏛️🐱


Attend the Holy Week processions and admire the baroque churches. ⛪🐱


Relax on the beaches and enjoy the warm weather. 🏖️🐱


Attend the Taranto International Film Festival. 🎥🐱


Watch the fireworks on the beach during the annual feast of Santa Maria del Carmine. 🎆🐱


Experience the lively nightlife and food scene. 🍝🐱


Attend the historic Regatta of the Four Ancient Maritime Republics. 🚣🐱


Explore the Castle of Taranto during the cooler weather. 🏰🐱


Attend the International Jazz Festival and enjoy great music. 🎶🐱


Enjoy the festive lights and decorations during Christmas time. 🎄🐱


Reasonable prices

Bigmac $?


Shopping in Taranto is moderately priced with a good variety of options. The prices in stores and restaurants are generally reasonable. However, some areas can be expensive especially during peak tourist season.

Visit local markets for cheap produce and handmade goods. Be aware of prices in tourist areas.

Usual visit duration

1-3 days

Short stopover

Usual visit duration

1-3 days

Short stopover

Taranto is a small city with limited attractions.



No tipping culture



No tipping culture

Cash is king, but credit cards are also accepted. Splitting bills is common.

internet situation

meh Speed

Average download & upload speed in Taranto

great Availability

High availability but may vary in some areas

good Cellular

Decent coverage but not as good as larger cities

Electric socket type L

Common in Italy, Chile. Non-interchangeable 3-pin and 2-pin design, only 2-pin variant accepts Type C.


1 EUR =

Currency converter



Day length

biking possible

Mixed infrastructure

walkable -ish

Average infrastructure

LGBTQ hostile


As a cat, you'll love strolling through the winding maze of streets to discover hidden treasures in the alleys.

But be careful not to knock over any vases in the tiny shops as you stretch your paws to examine the goods.

Things to do

The mainstream

Lido Gandoli
Museo Nazionale Archeologico di Taranto
Cattedrale San Cataldo
Ponte Girevole
Castello Aragonese di Taranto

The mainstream

Lido Gandoli

Sandy beaches, crystal clear water, and a view of Taranto's historical center make this a favorite spot for sun-seeking cats.🏖️

Google Maps
Museo Nazionale Archeologico di Taranto

Get whisked away on a journey of Taranto's rich and diverse history, from ancient Greek artifacts to Roman mosaics.🏛

Google Maps
Cattedrale San Cataldo

This beautiful 10th century church has multiple cat-hedral-like domes and intricate carvings to explore. A must-see for history and art lovers.⛪️

Google Maps
Ponte Girevole

Curious cats will be purrleased to watch the rotating bridge open and close to let ships pass through. A unique engineering feat to marvel at.🌉

Google Maps
Castello Aragonese di Taranto

Meowvel at this impressive castle that has stood strong since the 15th century. Climb the towers for a paw-some panoramic view of the city.🏰

Google Maps

Off the beaten path

Tamborrino Park
Santuario della Madonna della Salute
Marta Museum
Church of San Domenico Maggiore
San Pietro Island

Off the beaten path

Tamborrino Park

A catgreen oasis in the heart of the city with furrbulous walking trails, playgrounds, and plenty of spots to nap in the sun. Purrfection!

Google Maps
Santuario della Madonna della Salute

A peaceful catshelter perched on top of a hill with pawtastic views of the harbor and a calm atmosphere. Meowvelous!

Google Maps
Marta Museum

Catmuseum entirely dedicated to archaeology and history. It's like you're walking through time with cat eyes!

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Church of San Domenico Maggiore

Purrfectly preserved church with beautiful architecture, intricate details, and plenty of catvibes. A must-visit for catlovers!

Google Maps
San Pietro Island

Catmazing island with crystal clear waters and purrfect views of Taranto's old town. It's like a hidden catnip stash!

Google Maps

biking possible

Mixed infrastructure

walkable -ish

Average infrastructure

LGBTQ hostile


Mindful meoweler tips

Taranto Cathedral: a historic landmark

This 8th century cathedral was built by Bishop Giovanni

Il Mercato del Pesce: a seafood haven

The Fish Market is a great place to buy fresh seafood and try local delicacies

Taranto National Archaeological Museum: a treasure trove of history

The museum contains an impressive collection of Greek, Roman and Byzantine artifacts

Useful external sites

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