

Sāveh / undefined

MeowScore 😾66/100
What is MeowScore?
🐈 Cats in the city 😸
☀️ Sun-soaked days 😸
🚗 Traffic density 😼
🔈 Noisiness 😸
📸 Views and Sightseeing 😾
🌳 Parks and greenery 😼
👮‍♂️ Safety 😸

Best month


best time to discover Abyaneh village's unique earthen architecture.


Visit the Tari Khaneh museum to get familiar with traditional Iranian music and instruments. (17 words)


See the beautiful blossoming almond trees at Adaran Forest Park. (11 words)


Hike the stunning landscapes of Kharaghan twin domes. (9 words)


Witness the traditional earthen architecture of Abyaneh village. (11 words)


Enjoy the colorful carpets and handcrafts in the Saveh Bazaar. (9 words)


Cool off in the clear waters of the Pol Dokhtar River. (9 words)


Experience the traditional Nomad Festival in Zarandieh. (9 words)


Discover the ancient city of Sialk, dating back to 5500 BCE. (13 words)


Explore the stunning Oujan Protected Area and see its unique fauna. (13 words)


Visit the magnificent waterfall of Badab-e Surt. (7 words)


Discover the preserved hamam of Vaziri Bathhouse in Saveh. (11 words)


Enjoy skiing and snowboarding at Soleyman Ski Resort. (8 words)


Reasonable prices

Bigmac $?


Saveh is moderately affordable, but prices can vary depending on the area. It's important to bargain when shopping in markets.

Visit the bazaar for handmade crafts and souvenirs. Try street food and local bread for cheap meals.

Usual visit duration

1-2 days

transit point

Usual visit duration

1-2 days

transit point

Saveh is often visited as a brief stopover on the way to other destinations in Iran.



Unknown tipping customs in Saveh



Unknown tipping customs in Saveh

Unknown paying process in restaurants in Saveh

internet situation

bad Speed

Limited infrastructure and internet censorship

meh Availability

Access to Internet is available, but limited

great Cellular

Good coverage across the country

Electric socket type C

Common in Europe, South America, and Asia. Non-grounded, 2-pin plug, accepts Type C & Type E&F (non-grounded variant).


1 IRR =

Currency converter



Day length

biking hostile

Limited infrastructure

walking hostile

Heavy traffic

LGBTQ hostile

Oppressive culture

Cat-people will go crazy over Saveh's ancient ruins - perfect for scratching and playing hide and seek.

The bazaars of Saveh are a cat's paradise - so many interesting smells and sights to explore with their curious whiskers.

Things to do

The mainstream

Bazaar of Saveh
Molla Hassan Kashi Mausoleum
Shah Abbasi Caravanserai
Saveh Museum
Jameh Mosque

The mainstream

Bazaar of Saveh

A bustling and colorful bazaar with stalls selling everything from spices and textiles to jewelry and household goods. A fun place for cats to wander and shop.

Google Maps
Molla Hassan Kashi Mausoleum

A beautifully decorated mausoleum with intricate tiling and plasterwork, dedicated to Molla Hassan Kashi, a famous poet and scholar from the region. A serene place for cats to reflect and appreciate art.

Google Maps
Shah Abbasi Caravanserai

A vast and impressive caravanserai built in the Safavid era, with a central courtyard and surrounding chambers for travelers and their animals. An exciting place for cats who love to explore.

Google Maps
Saveh Museum

A small but fascinating museum with collections of ancient artifacts from the area, including pottery, tools, and weapons. A great place for curious cats to learn about local history.

Google Maps
Jameh Mosque

A historic mosque dating back to the Seljuk era, featuring intricate tilework and architecture. A must-visit for cats interested in Islamic art and history.

Google Maps

Off the beaten path

Fathabad Garden
Jameh Mosque of Saveh
Tomb of Abu Muslim Khorasani
Imamzadeh Hamzeh
Shah Abbasi Caravanserai

Off the beaten path

Fathabad Garden

A tranquil park with a charming pavilion, an artificial lake, and a collection of fruit trees, where cats can chase the butterflies and nap on the benches. Watch out for the bees!

Google Maps
Jameh Mosque of Saveh

A magnificent brick mosque built in the 12th century, with a tall minaret and a spacious courtyard, where cats can play hide and seek. Keep your paws clean!

Google Maps
Tomb of Abu Muslim Khorasani

An imposing mausoleum dedicated to a legendary Persian general, with intricate tile-work, panoramic views, and stray cats lazing on the walls. Don't disturb the cats!

Google Maps
Imamzadeh Hamzeh

A shrine with a pale turquoise dome, surrounded by a fascinating cemetery with cat statues and lovely Islamic motifs. Bring some cat treats!

Google Maps
Shah Abbasi Caravanserai

A cat-friendly inn from the Safavid era, with a splendid entrance and a vast courtyard for napping in the shade. Beware of the feral cats!

Google Maps

biking hostile

Limited infrastructure

walking hostile

Heavy traffic

LGBTQ hostile

Oppressive culture

Mindful meoweler tips

Saveh's Stunning Architecture

The cat-tastic tile work and intricate brick designs on Saveh's historical monuments will leave you meowing for more.

Experience Traditional Savehi Cuisine

Purrfectly savor the local specialties in cozy local restaurants, like Gheymeh Nesar, while enjoying the friendly company of Saveh's catizens.

Fabulous Friday Flea Market

Join the Saveh cats on Fridays and wander through the colorful stalls of the bazaar, stocked with pawsome handicrafts, spices, and antiques.

Touching the Legendary Silk Carpet

Visit Saveh's hanging mosque to see the spectacular 700-year-old silk carpet. Feel the softness between your paws and hear the purrs of the Savehi cats who have cherished it for centuries.

Golden Sunsets on the Salt Lake

Witness the stunning sunsets on the vast and shimmering lake, where the flocks of flamingos transform the scene into a dreamy paradise.

Useful external sites

Saveh Hotels

A website that lists all the hotels available in Saveh, Iran with prices and reviews.

Saveh Weather

A website that provides the current weather conditions and forecast for Saveh, Iran.

Saveh Tourism

The official website of Saveh Tourism Organization that provides information about tourist attractions, events, and accommodation options in Saveh, Iran.

Beware, most of the content was generated by AI