

Suqian / Where rice paddies meet innovation

MeowScore 😻91/100
What is MeowScore?
🐈 Cats in the city 😸
☀️ Sun-soaked days 😻
🚗 Traffic density 😸
🔈 Noisiness 😸
📸 Views and Sightseeing 😼
🌳 Parks and greenery 😸
👮‍♂️ Safety 😻

Best month


Enjoy the autumn foliage at Qilu Mountain.


Visit local ancient temples and enjoy traditional performances. 🎭


Attend the Chinese New Year festival and watch fireworks. 🎉


Explore the beautiful cherry blossom gardens. 🌸


Experience the local kite festival and fly your own. 🪁


Visit the Suqian Lake and enjoy water sports. 🚣


Hike the Jiuhua Mountain and enjoy the scenic views. 🏞️


Explore the city night markets and taste delicious street food. 🍢


Visit the local wetland and observe migratory birds. 🦅


Join the Mid-Autumn Festival and enjoy mooncakes. 🥮


Visit the Qilu Mountain and enjoy the autumn foliage. 🍂


Explore the ancient Water City and admire the architecture. 🏰


Experience the Ice and Snow Festival and enjoy winter sports. ❄️


Reasonable prices

Bigmac $?


Suqian is relatively affordable for visitors, but not necessarily super cheap. Prices for food and accommodations are reasonable, but transportation costs can add up.

Consider taking the bus or renting a bike to save on transportation. Street food and local markets offer tasty and inexpensive meal options.

Usual visit duration

1-3 days

short stay for business or transit

Usual visit duration

1-3 days

short stay for business or transit

Suqian is not a major tourist destination.



No tipping customs observed in Suqian



No tipping customs observed in Suqian

Cash is preferred, splitting the bill is common practice, no additional etiquette tidbits observed.

internet situation

meh Speed

Limited high-speed internet infrastructure

great Availability

Internet access is widespread

great Cellular

Good network coverage from major carriers

Electric socket type A

Common in North and Central America, and Japan. Mind voltage difference, especially for Japan (100V).


1 CNY =

Currency converter



Day length

biking hostile

Mixed infrastructure

walkable -ish

Moderate infrastructure

LGBTQ hostile

Conservative culture

Suqian is a cat's dream come true, with countless mice and birds to catch.

The cats here live in luxury with their own little houses and unlimited milk supply.

Things to do

The mainstream

Luoma Lake Wetland Park
Guangfu Ancient Town
Hongze Lake
Shuihuiyuan Park
Sunflower Garden

The mainstream

Luoma Lake Wetland Park

A peaceful oasis for cats who love bird-watching and fishing. Lots of shady spots to relax and watch the world go by.

Google Maps
Guangfu Ancient Town

A charming, bohemian town with narrow streets and ancient architecture. A great place for curious cats to discover hidden alleys and new scents.

Google Maps
Hongze Lake

A vast body of water ideal for adventurous cats who love exploring nature. Plenty of fish to catch and birds to chase!

Google Maps
Shuihuiyuan Park

A serene park by the lake, perfect for lazy cat naps and picnics. Cat-friendly amenities available like scratch posts and tuna-flavored water fountains.

Google Maps
Sunflower Garden

A picturesque sunflower field where cats can roam freely and admire the golden flowers. Plenty of opportunities for cat selfies!

Google Maps

Off the beaten path

Suqian Ancient City Wall
Suqian Museum
Chateau Changyu Rena
Nantong Yuqing Palace
Gongwangfu Park

Off the beaten path

Suqian Ancient City Wall

A well-preserved section of the city's ancient wall, perfect for a mewsing stroll and panoramic views of the surrounding area 🐾

Google Maps
Suqian Museum

A small but interesting museum showcasing the history and culture of Suqian, with exhibits featuring mosaics of cats from the Han Dynasty 🐱

Google Maps
Chateau Changyu Rena

A wine lover's heaven. This vineyard offers tastings and tours while cats can soak up the picturesque views of the valley 🍷

Google Maps
Nantong Yuqing Palace

A hidden temple full of treasures and artifacts, including some with cat motifs 🐾

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Gongwangfu Park

Purrfect for a relaxing day, this hidden gem offers beautiful gardens and a serene lake where cats can enjoy a boat ride 🚣‍♀️

Google Maps

biking hostile

Mixed infrastructure

walkable -ish

Moderate infrastructure

LGBTQ hostile

Conservative culture

Mindful meoweler tips

Suqian Means 'meeting place for cats'

Suqian's name is derived from an ancient legend about cats meeting to rest in the area. Visit the famous Suqian Cat Park to see why!

Tofu is a Specialty Dish Here

Suqian is famous for its silky tofu, called 'Shui Doufu.' Visit a local market to try it and other delicious street foods!

Useful external sites


Read reviews and book accommodations, restaurants, and activities in Suqian.

Suqian City Official Website

Official website of Suqian City - find information on local government, travel, investment opportunities, and more.

Book accommodations in Suqian and browse traveler reviews.

Beware, most of the content was generated by AI