

Guangyuan / Where pandas roam

MeowScore 😸83/100
What is MeowScore?
🐈 Cats in the city 😸
☀️ Sun-soaked days 😸
🚗 Traffic density 😼
🔈 Noisiness 😸
📸 Views and Sightseeing 😼
🌳 Parks and greenery 😻
👮‍♂️ Safety 😸

Best month


Best time to see Mount Qingcheng and avoid crowds.


Visit Guangyuan for the stunning winter landscapes. 🏞️


Discover the ancient Bamboo culture in Guangyuan. 🎍


Experience the colorful rapeseed flowers in bloom. 🌼


Witness the magnificence of Mount Qingcheng. ⛰️


Explore the breathtaking Sichuan Giant Panda Sanctuaries. 🐼


Enjoy the picturesque scenery along Jialing River. 🚣‍♀️


Partake in the world-renowned Guangyuan Grottoes Art Festival. 🎉


Savor the spicy Sichuan cuisine at the annual food festival. 🍲


Witness the enchanting Huangze Temple Fair. 🏯


Marvel at the autumn foliage at Qingchuan County. 🍂


Experience the tranquility of the ancient Shu Road in winter. 🛣️


Celebrate the New Year's Eve with the dazzling light show. 🎆


Reasonable prices

Bigmac $?


From a visiting cat's perspective, Guangyuan seems to have a moderate economy with prices that are not too high nor too low. One can find both expensive and cheap items, making it affordable for most budgets.

To save money, try bargaining at markets and street vendors. Shop at local supermarkets for cheaper groceries.

Usual visit duration

1-3 days

transit stop

Usual visit duration

1-3 days

transit stop

Mostly used as a stopover on the way to other destinations.



No standard tipping culture.



No standard tipping culture.

Cash is preferred, credit card is accepted at major restaurants. Splitting bill is not practiced. No specific etiquette tidbits.

internet situation

bad Speed

Limited internet infrastructure

good Availability

Decent availability in urban areas

great Cellular

Reliable mobile network coverage

Electric socket type A

Common in North and Central America, and Japan. Mind voltage difference, especially for Japan (100V).


1 CNY =

Currency converter



Day length

biking hostile

High traffic

walkable -ish

Busy city

LGBTQ hostile


The cats of Guangyuan enjoy tasty fish from the nearby river, but watch out for the spicy sauce!

The adventurous cats climb the ancient city walls to take in the view, but napping in the parks is the real treat.

Things to do

The mainstream

Guangyuan Museum
Mingyue Mountain Scenic Area
Qin'an Ancient Town
Quzhou Confucian Temple
Dafengding National Park

The mainstream

Guangyuan Museum

Curious cats can learn about the region's fascinating history, from prehistoric times to the present day. Purr-haps you'll even discover some ancient cat artifacts!

Google Maps
Mingyue Mountain Scenic Area

Nature-loving cats will enjoy the lush forests, serene lakes, and winding streams of this picturesque mountain region. Don't forget your camera!

Google Maps
Qin'an Ancient Town

History-minded cats will enjoy exploring this well-preserved Ming and Qing dynasty town, complete with narrow alleyways and traditional courtyard homes.

Google Maps
Quzhou Confucian Temple

Purr-fectly preserved ancient architecture and gardens beckon to curious cats. A peaceful retreat in the heart of Guangyuan.

Google Maps
Dafengding National Park

Cat-tastic hiking trails and scenic views await in this national park, home to the highest peak in Sichuan. Watch your steps, kitties!

Google Maps

Off the beaten path

Xueba Ancient Village
Nanjiang Grand Canyon
Hongji Canyon
Laojunshan National Park
Maoxian Danxia Landform

Off the beaten path

Xueba Ancient Village

Step back in time to this quaint, furrific village in the mountains. Meander through the cobblestone streets, admire the ancient architecture and sample local food. 🍲

Google Maps
Nanjiang Grand Canyon

A paw-some canyon that's off the beaten path! Cat-trek along the rugged terrain, capture the majestic views of the river and gorge. 🌄

Google Maps
Hongji Canyon

A meowvelous canyon with crystal clear waters and breathtaking scenery. Cats can swim and soak in the natural hot springs or try rafting down the rapids. 💦

Google Maps
Laojunshan National Park

A hidden catstination for nature lovers! Hike through the winding trails, spot exotic flora and fauna, and relax by the serene waterfalls. 🌳

Google Maps
Maoxian Danxia Landform

The purrfect place for cat-venturers! Climb the colorful, catmospheric hills and enjoy the stunning views of Guangyuan. 🐾

Google Maps

biking hostile

High traffic

walkable -ish

Busy city

LGBTQ hostile


Mindful meoweler tips

Visit Guangyuan's Qinglian Ancient Town

This well-preserved old town offers a traditional Chinese architecture and atmosphere, with narrow streets and traditional old houses. Midjourney can illustrate the vibrant atmosphere and bustling marketplaces.

Experience an Infamous Delicacy

Guangyuan is renowned for its spicy rabbit head savory, which may attract foodies. Midjourney can depict a cat trying this delicacy or a cat selling it in a marketplace.

Visit Anyue Stone Cave

This stunning cave system hosts remarkable karst pillars and natural cave formations believed to be over 300 million years old. Midjourney can visualize a curious cat exploring the cave system or admiring the formations.

Useful external sites


Browse traveler reviews and opinions of Guangyuan attractions, restaurants, hotels, and more on TripAdvisor.

China Highlights

Learn about Guangyuan's must-see attractions and book tours and travel services in advance with China Highlights.

Guangyuan Weather Forecast

Stay up to date on Guangyuan's weather conditions and plan your travel accordingly with the Guangyuan Weather Forecast.

Beware, most of the content was generated by AI