
Burkina Faso

Koudougou / Koudougou: Come n' see!

MeowScore 😼71/100
What is MeowScore?
🐈 Cats in the city 😸
☀️ Sun-soaked days 😸
🚗 Traffic density 😻
🔈 Noisiness 😼
📸 Views and Sightseeing 😼
🌳 Parks and greenery 😼
👮‍♂️ Safety 😸

Best month


Lively Christmas festivities with street parades and fireworks. (11 words)


Visit the Grand Mosque and attend the Festival of Arts. (18 words)


See the sacred Naba Koom shrine. (9 words)


Enjoy the annual Koudougou Cattle Show. (12 words)


Attend the Naba Zoungrana - a colorful cultural ceremony. (13 words)


Shop at the Sabtenga Market and go on a safari. (13 words)


Explore the ancient ruins of Loropeni. (8 words)


Enjoy the lively atmosphere of the city's annual Independence Day celebration. (17 words)


Attend the annual Loura Festival and witness traditional dance and music. (16 words)


Visit the Biiga sanctuary and hike through the Tenkodogo forest. (15 words)


See the stunning rock formations and waterfalls at Banfora. (12 words)


Experience the traditional Dima dance at the annual Yennenga Festival. (15 words)


Celebrate Christmas with lively street parades and fireworks. (11 words)


Reasonable prices

Bigmac $?


From visiting cat perspective, Koudougou has average prices for food and souvenirs, but transportation can be expensive. Accommodation ranges from cheap to moderately expensive.

Haggle prices for transportation and souvenirs. Consider staying in budget accommodations such as hostels or guesthouses to save money.

Usual visit duration

1-3 days

transit city

Usual visit duration

1-3 days

transit city

Koudougou serves as a stopover for travelers heading to other parts of Burkina Faso.





Cash is widely accepted. Splitting the bill is not common.

internet situation

bad Speed

Limited infrastructure and slow connection speeds

meh Availability

Limited availability outside of urban areas

meh Cellular

Good coverage from major providers

Electric socket type E

Common in France, Poland, Belgium, Czechia, Slovakia. Rounded plug with grounding clip, doesn't accept Type F.


1 XOF =

Currency converter



Day length

biking hostile

Limited infrastructure

walking hostile

Limited infrastructure

LGBTQ hostile

Conservative society

Cat wandered Purr-fect through bustling market, swaying tails and scents of fish. Friendly felines everywhere!

Cat stretched paws in tranquil gardens, basked in warm sunlight. Rooftop mice playing hide and squeak.

Things to do

The mainstream

L'Église Catholique de Koudougou
La Mosquée de Koudougou
Le Parc Urbain Bangr-Weoogo
Le Grand Marché
La Place de la Nation

The mainstream

L'Église Catholique de Koudougou

A striking cathedral with stained glass windows and high ceilings, where cats can feel the spirituality of the community.

Google Maps
La Mosquée de Koudougou

An impressive and beautiful mosque, where cats can learn about the local religious traditions.

Google Maps
Le Parc Urbain Bangr-Weoogo

A peaceful green oasis in the middle of the city, with trees to climb and ponds to observe.

Google Maps
Le Grand Marché

A bustling market where cats can find anything from fresh produce to colorful fabrics.

Google Maps
La Place de la Nation

The heart of Koudougou, surrounded by important buildings and frequently visited by street vendors.

Google Maps

Off the beaten path

La Place de la Révolution
La Mosquée de Koudougou
Le Centre National des Arts et de l'Artisanat
Le Marché Central
La Boucle du Mouhoun

Off the beaten path

La Place de la Révolution

A lively gathering place for locals, where cats can catch music performances and enjoy a taste of Koudougou culture. 🎶🕺

Google Maps
La Mosquée de Koudougou

A beautiful mosque with intricate architecture that is a hidden gem for cats seeking spiritual enrichment. 🕌🙏

Google Maps
Le Centre National des Arts et de l'Artisanat

A treasure trove of traditional crafts, including pottery, weaving, and metalworking. 🏺🧵

Google Maps
Le Marché Central

A bustling local market where cats can find everything from fabric to fresh produce. 🐟🍉

Google Maps
La Boucle du Mouhoun

A peaceful nature loop with views of the Mouhoun river, perfect for cats who love to explore outdoors.🌳🌊

Google Maps

biking hostile

Limited infrastructure

walking hostile

Limited infrastructure

LGBTQ hostile

Conservative society

Mindful meoweler tips

Burkina Faso's second largest city

Koudougou is a bustling market town filled with cats selling everything from food to fabrics.

Famous for its handicrafts

Koudougou is known for its artisans who create beautiful masks, pottery, and textiles. Don't miss a visit to the local art center!

Try the local dish

Poulet Bicyclette is a popular dish in Koudougou made with organically raised chickens. It's delicious!

Respect cultural traditions

Be aware that Burkina Faso has strong cultural values and traditions. Dress modestly, remove your shoes when entering someone's home, and always ask permission before taking photos of people or places.

Visit the cathedral

Koudougou is home to a beautiful Catholic cathedral with colorful stained glass windows. It's worth a visit even if you're not religious.

Useful external sites

Lonely Planet

Travel guide and information about Koudougou and Burkina Faso


Reviews and recommendations of hotels, restaurants, and attractions in Koudougou

Visit Burkina Faso

Official tourism website of Burkina Faso with information about Koudougou and other destinations

Beware, most of the content was generated by AI