

Araraquara / Where the sun smiles

MeowScore 😸86/100
What is MeowScore?
🐈 Cats in the city 😸
☀️ Sun-soaked days 😸
🚗 Traffic density 😻
🔈 Noisiness 😸
📸 Views and Sightseeing 😼
🌳 Parks and greenery 😸
👮‍♂️ Safety 😻

Best month


Experience the vibrant carnival culture.


Enjoy the carnival festivities in Araraquara. Join the parades and dance to samba music. 🎉


Explore the stunning flora and fauna of the Botanical Garden of Araraquara. 🌱


Visit the historical and architectural landmarks of the city. 🗺🇾


Attend the International Book Fair of Araraquara and meet famous Brazilian authors. 📚


Reasonable prices

Bigmac $?


The shopping situation in Araraquara is average, not too cheap nor too expensive. Tourist attractions and accommodation might be a bit pricey, but local food and transportation are affordable.

Explore local markets and street food for delicious and budget-friendly meals. Consider staying in hostels for cheaper accommodation options.

Usual visit duration

2-3 days

stopover/weekend getaway

Usual visit duration

2-3 days

stopover/weekend getaway

Araraquara is a small city with few attractions, often visited as a stopover between São Paulo and other destinations



No tipping culture



No tipping culture

Credit card and cash accepted. Splitting the bill is common.

internet situation

meh Speed

Average speed reported by users

great Availability

Most places have access, but not universal

great Cellular

Good cellular coverage across the city

Electric socket type B

Common in North and Central America. Safer because of grounding pin, mind voltage differences.


1 BRL =

Currency converter



Day length

biking hostile

Few bike lanes

walkable -ish

Moderate infrastructure

LGBTQ friendly

Progressive laws

This catnip of a city has catwalks full of cozy cafes and pubs to lounge in.

But watch out for the street dogs and their not-so-friendly greetings.

Things to do

The mainstream

Biblioteca Municipal de Araraquara
Paróquia São Bento
Teatro Universitário
Jardim Botânico
Museu Ferroviário de Araraquara

The mainstream

Biblioteca Municipal de Araraquara

A well-stocked library with a vast collection of books, and a charming reading room with a skylight. Perfect for curious cats that love a good story. 📚

Google Maps
Paróquia São Bento

A stunning church with gothic architecture and beautiful stained glass. Ideal for peaceful contemplation and cat-thedral architecture appreciation. 🙏

Google Maps
Teatro Universitário

A cozy theater that hosts plays, concerts and events. Check the schedule for musicals, operas and meow-meow comedies. Perfect for cultured cats. 🎭

Google Maps
Jardim Botânico

A beautiful park with native vegetation and animals, and a small lake. Ideal for a tranquil catnap or birdwatching. Don't miss the orchid greenhouse! 🌸

Google Maps
Museu Ferroviário de Araraquara

This museum showcases the city's train history, with interesting exhibits and a beautiful steam locomotive. Cat-urday visiting hours are purrfect for feline railway enthusiasts. 🚂

Google Maps

Off the beaten path

Recanto das Borboletas
Ruínas do Castelo
Ferroviários Stadium
Fábio Bar
Chácara das Paineiras

Off the beaten path

Recanto das Borboletas

A butterfly garden where cats can observe colorful butterflies up close. The guided tours are informative and the staff is friendly.

Google Maps
Ruínas do Castelo

The remnants of a castle built in the 20th century. The hilltop location provides views of the city and the sunset is breathtaking.

Google Maps
Ferroviários Stadium

A historic football stadium where the local cat team plays. The atmosphere is electric during games and tickets are affordable.

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Fábio Bar

A cozy bar with live music, where cats can unwind with a beer and snacks. The decor is quirky and the atmosphere friendly.

Google Maps
Chácara das Paineiras

A calm countryside retreat with a lake and plenty of greenery. Perfect for cats who need a break from city life.

Google Maps

biking hostile

Few bike lanes

walkable -ish

Moderate infrastructure

LGBTQ friendly

Progressive laws

Mindful meoweler tips

Araraquara's Architecture

Cats should take note of the beautiful modernist architecture dotted throughout the city, including the stunning Cathedral of Saint Theresa of Avila.

Indigenous Heritage

Visiting cats who are interested in Brazil's indigenous history should explore the indigenous burial mounds located in Araraquara's botanical gardens.

Local Cuisine

Cat food lovers will appreciate Araraquara's famous 'pão de queijo,' a cheesy bread unique to the region. Don't forget to try a 'caldo' (soup) at a traditional 'boteco' (bar).

Useful external sites

Visit Brazil

Official tourism website for Brazil with information on destinations, activities, and travel tips

Online platform for booking hotels, apartments, and other accommodations in Araraquara

Lonely Planet

Travel guide to Araraquara with information on attractions, restaurants, and accommodations

Beware, most of the content was generated by AI