

Lobito / Discover coastal charm

MeowScore 😼80/100
What is MeowScore?
🐈 Cats in the city 😸
☀️ Sun-soaked days 😸
🚗 Traffic density 😻
🔈 Noisiness 😼
📸 Views and Sightseeing 😸
🌳 Parks and greenery 😼
👮‍♂️ Safety 😸

Best month


Great weather, significant holiday, and festive celebrations.


Visit Lobito in January for perfect weather to enjoy the beaches.


February is perfect for wildlife enthusiasts with great opportunities to spot rare animals.


Experience the vibrant culture and festivities during Carnaval in March.


April offers great fishing opportunities with a huge variety of species.


Explore the stunning natural beauty of the Benguela Province at its greenest in May.


Experience the perfect weather with less crowds and great conditions for surfing.


Enjoy the warm temperatures and celebrate Angola's Independence Day on July 4th.


August is ideal for hikers with the cooler temperatures, clear skies, and stunning views.


Witness the magnificent humpback whales migrating along the coast in September.


Experience the vibrant local culture and traditions during Dia de Finados in October.


November is perfect for birdwatching as migratory birds start to arrive.


Celebrate Christmas and New Year's Eve with local traditions and fireworks on the beach.


Expensive city

Bigmac $?


From a visiting cat's perspective, the economical situation in Lobito is not the cheapest. Prices for accommodation, food, and transportation can be rather steep.

To save money, consider staying in a guest house or hostel. Local markets can offer affordable food options. Negotiate prices when taking taxis.

Usual visit duration

1-2 days

transit stop

Usual visit duration

1-2 days

transit stop

Lobito is mostly used as a transit stop for travelers going to other parts of Angola.



Unknown tipping customs



Unknown tipping customs

Unknown paying process

internet situation

bad Speed

Limited infrastructure, slow speeds

meh Availability

Not accessible in all areas

meh Cellular

Reasonable coverage but slow data speeds

Electric socket type C

Common in Europe, South America, and Asia. Non-grounded, 2-pin plug, accepts Type C & Type E&F (non-grounded variant).


1 AOA =

Currency converter



Day length

biking hostile

Few infrastructure

walking hostile

Limited sidewalks

LGBTQ hostile

Conservative culture

This cat town is purrfect for lounging on sandy beaches and exploring the fish market.

Cats can climb up to the lighthouse for a stunning view or take a boat ride to see dolphins.

Things to do

The mainstream

Mount Leba
Lobito Municipal Market
Chela Waterfalls
Benguela Beach
Lobito Railway Museum

The mainstream

Mount Leba

For adventurous cats seeking a challenge, hike to the summit of this mountain for a panoramic view of the coastline. Don't worry, there are rest stops along the way to catch your breath and appreciate the scenery. Just don't forget the catnip!

Google Maps
Lobito Municipal Market

Cats can exercise their hunting and bargaining skills at this vibrant market full of colorful stalls selling fruits, fish, and crafts. The sights, smells, and sounds will satisfy curious felines' senses.

Google Maps
Chela Waterfalls

Visit this breathtaking site and witness the power of mother nature as water cascades down the rocks. The splashes and mist will leave cats feline good and refreshed. Don't forget a waterproof camera!

Google Maps
Benguela Beach

Purrfect for cats looking to lounge on a beautiful sandy beach surrounded by palm trees and crystal-clear water. The waves are gentle, so even the most timid pawed kitties can enjoy a dip.

Google Maps
Lobito Railway Museum

Cat lovers will enjoy learning about the historic railway system of Lobito through vintage trains and artifacts. The museum also highlights the influence of felines in the railway industry. Meow!

Google Maps

Off the beaten path

Lobito Train Station
Miradouro da Lua
Mussulo Island
Miradouro do Espelho D'Água
Baía dos Tigres

Off the beaten path

Lobito Train Station

An impressive colonial building, with its distinctive architecture and art deco details.🚂

Google Maps
Miradouro da Lua

A scenic viewpoint with otherworldly landscapes, resembling the surface of the moon.🌕

Google Maps
Mussulo Island

A hidden paradise with turquoise waters and white sand beaches. Perfect for a relaxing day trip.🏝️

Google Maps
Miradouro do Espelho D'Água

A breathtaking viewpoint with panoramic views of the ocean and the surrounding hills.🌊🌄

Google Maps
Baía dos Tigres

A stunning beach with crystal clear waters and golden sand, located on a remote island.🏖️

Google Maps

biking hostile

Few infrastructure

walking hostile

Limited sidewalks

LGBTQ hostile

Conservative culture

Mindful meoweler tips

Lobito's Beach Life

Cat-venturing along Lobito's beaches is a must-do. View the beautiful ocean vistas and take a dip in the crystal-clear waters. Don't forget to check out the fishing villages along the way.

Party with the Local Cats

Visit one of Lobito's famous cat bars for a drink, live music, and to meet new furry friends. Be sure to try the traditional Catembe cocktail!

Foodie Adventures in Lobito

Try delicious local cuisine like Muamba de Galinha (chicken stew) and catfish mufete (a fish curry dish) and don't miss the Catembe banana dessert. Be aware that dining times are later than usual in Angola.

Useful external sites

Tourism website for Lobito city

Accommodation booking website for Lobito


Reviews and ratings of attractions, restaurants, and accommodations in Lobito

Beware, most of the content was generated by AI